- Appeal-Democrat: DWR mails flood risk notifications
- CBS: Emergency Managers Gather In Sacramento To Prepare For Flooding
- Los Angeles Time: This island is in desperate need of water
- Fresno Bee: Official: Californians netted strong water savings in July
- Sputnik International: Enormous California Tree Die-offs Causing Wildfires, Habitat …
- Los Angeles Times: The forecast for Lake Mead: Hot and dry with plenty of anxiety
- The Turlock Journal: Valley legislators meet with federal officials to advocate for regional …
- WaterWorld: Los Angeles breaks ground on sustainable groundwater project
- Newsweek: Firefighting Chemicals Are Contaminating the Water of 16.5 Million …
- OPB News: Green Crab Invaders Show Up in Puget Sound
- Water Deeply: Water Works: Mehul V. Patel on the Future of Recycled Water