- CNN: New report finds ‘Erin Brockovich’ chemical in US drinking water
- San Francisco Chronicle: UCLA researchers warn centuries of drought could return to California
- Mother Jones: Stop Blaming the Drought on a Lack of Rain
- AccuWeather.com: Northern California towns in danger of running out of water for 3rd …
- Patch.com: Aiding the Drought: Recycled Water Produced in Fountain Valley
- Futurity: Can a dose of probiotics drought-proof plants?
- Today’s News-Herald: Our view: Drought forces need for better agriculture practices
- San Bernardino County Sun: In response to California drought, San Bernardino County …
- International Business Times: Is The California Drought Man Made? They’ve Lasted Centuries …
- 89.3 KPCC: Will we have enough? Inside California’s water agency managers …
- WIRED: Maybe California’s Water Wars Aren’t as Bad as You Think
- News Deeply: How One California City Is Reducing Its Dependence on Imported …
- Appeal-Democrat: New water treatment facility opens in Willows
- Scientific American: How Much Do El Niño and La Niña Affect Our Weather?
- Fresno Bee: South Valley water coalitions to study nitrate leaching from farms
- California Farm Bureau: Farmers consider impacts of river plan
- Record Bee: Yolo County can draw down Clear Lake to 1 foot
Tags: California, drought, water