CASA has been leading a coalition in opposition to
SB 163 by Senator Bob Hertzberg since it was amended last September to prohibit all ocean discharges in favor of a 100% reuse mandate. The bill is set to be substantially amended again and will now require the State Water Board to develop regulations to require ocean and bay dischargers to recycle at least 50% of their treated wastewater (relative to inflow) by January 1, 2033.
The bill will also contain several other provisions, including a declaration that failure to comply with these provisions constitutes a “waste and unreasonable use of water” for both ocean and bay dischargers and water suppliers or water replenishment districts.
CASA remains strongly opposed to SB 163, and recommends agencies submit letters of opposition to the Assembly policy committees immediately. The first hearing will be in the the Assembly Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials Committee on June 14. Please send letters as soon as possible so that they’re received by this Friday, June 10.