CASA Connects Newsletter for June 6, 2016

  • NewsWater
  • by BPC Staff
  • on June 6, 2016
June 6, 2016

USEPA Agrees California Should Receive More SRF Dollars

In a major boost to CASA’s efforts to to convince Congress to allocate more money to California through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, the USEPA has agreed that California should receive more money.  Read more…

Keynote Speaker to Address Quantified Conservation Approach at CASA Conference

Joe Whitworth

Joe Whitworth, president of nonprofit organization The Freshwater Trust, will present the opening address at CASA’s 61stAnnual Conference on August 11. Joe is the author of Quantified: Redefining Conservation for the Next Economy, which outlines a data-driven approach to moving freshwater conservation into the 21st century.

Conservation has hit a wall. Big data can help us get over it.


– Joe Whitworth
The principles of the Quantified Conservation approach are pulled from the business world and applied to the environmental movement. This shift in thinking to outcome-based results is shaking up the conservation world in an effort to increase the pace and scale of freshwater restoration. More about Joe…

Check out our event page to view the preliminary program, get hotel information, and register for CASA’s annual conference.

New Resource Standardizes Water Reuse Communications

With water reuse playing an increasingly important role in California’s water supply portfolio, consistency in how we communicate is vital.
The Association of Clean Water Agencies, along with WateReuse California and CASA, have developed a list of terms recommended for use in communicating about water reuse. The Water Reuse Terminology includes commonly used terms and definitions intended to provide consistent and easy-to-understand messaging.

CASA Comments on Proposed SLCP Strategy

CASA and the The California Wastewater Climate Change Group (CWCCG) have submitted comments on the Proposed
Short Lived Climate Pollutant (SLCP) Reduction Strategy (Proposed Strategy).

We largely support the conclusions and recommendations in the proposed strategy, but offered input into a number of specifics of the proposed strategy. Read our comments…

CASA Comments on IRS Regulations Regarding Political Subdivisions

CASA submitted a joint comment letter on proposed IRS regulations that would create a new, more restrictive, and less clear definition of a “political subdivision” for tax-exempt bond purposes. We proposed a number of revisions that would ensure our members continue to have access to funding from tax-exempt bonds.

Introducing the CASA Website News Archive

There’s a new way to stay caught up with all the CASA news. Every news story we post on our home page now appears in a News Archive page. Here you’ll find all the articles we’ve posted since we launched our new website in January.

Just click News Archive from the Resources option.

Agency News

Jim Colston

Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD) recently established an Environmental Services Department, which is responsible for environmental compliance, the environmental testing laboratory, the ocean monitoring program, and efforts to reduce pollutants at their source. They have selected Jim Colston, a 26-year veteran of OCSD, to lead this new department. Read the press release… 

Dennis Lamb

Dennis Lamb, General Manager, Vallecitos Water District, has retired after more than 30 years of service with the District. Lamb began working with Vallecitos in 1982 as a temporary draftsman, and months later was hired on as an engineering technician. He worked his way up through various engineering positions and became GM in 2010. Assistant Manager Tom Scaglione has been appointed interim general manager until the position is filled.

Silicon Valley Clean Water
 has been named 2015 Public Works Project of the Year by the The American Public Works Association’s Silicon Valley Chapter for their 48-inch Force Main Reliability Pipeline Improvement Project in Redwood City.
Dublin San Ramon Services District  (DSRSD) will operate a second residential recycled water fill station, located at the City of Dublin’s Public Safety Complex at 6363 Clark Avenue in Dublin. DSRSD offers the free recycled water to homeowners in order to help keep their landscaping alive during the drought.

Mixed Bag

With the help of our state legislative advocate, Jessica Gauger, we’re taking more steps to advance our mission through Facebook and Twitter. Like or follow us today and engage with CASA!
Now Hiring!
CASA member agencies and associates have numerous opportunities
available. Visit our Job Board for details.

Save the Date for the CASA/CWEA Biosolids and Innovative Technology Seminars

Whether you’re involved in renewable resources now or want to learn more about the field, you won’t want to miss the CASA/CWEA Biosolids and Innovative Technology seminars.  
Participants will learn about and engage in discussion around successful biosolids management practices and innovative treatment technology for biosolids, renewable energy production and utilization, and climate change mitigation.
The agenda and online registration should be posted to the website this week.


June 29-30 Rethink Methane Sacramento
July 10-13 NACWA Utility Leadership Conference Denver, CO
July 19, 2016
July 20, 2016 CASA Los Angeles
Aug. 10-12, 2016 CASA Annual Conference  Monterey
Aug. 24-26, 2016 Urban Water Institute San Diego
Jan. 18-20, 2017 CASA Palm Springs

In Case You Missed It…
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