- Los Angeles Times: Without a ‘March miracle,’ drought-like conditions will continue in Southern California
- Los Angeles Times: Water and Power: Whatever happened to El Niño?
- Associated Press: Tomato packing plant fined $1.5 for wastewater violations
- Sancramento Bee: Under sunny skies, Folsom Dam operators to double releases
- Associated Press: Another winter heat wave hits Southern California
- Builder Magazine: Storm Water Surges a Parched California’s Blessing in Disguise
- Ventura County Star: No drought buster, but March, April could bring rain
- Investor’s Business Daily: Will Drought-Hit California Squander Its El Nino Water Bounty?
- KTLA: SoCal Needs ‘March Miracle’ to Avoid 5th Year of Drought-Like …
- The New York Times: Death Valley Is Experiencing a Colorful ‘Superbloom’
- CBS Local: Spring Weather Forecast: What Will El Nino Bring?
- Builder Magazine: Storm Water Surges a Parched California’s Blessing in Disguise
- Valley Public Radio: California Poppies Spring Back To Life
- UPI.com: Drought threatens nearly all U.S. forests
- San Jose Mercury News: El Niño: Summer drought rules likely to continue unless big storms …
- Stockton Record: Flow of frustration
- Sacramento Bee: Sacramentans save less water in January
- Mercury News: El Niño: Summer drought rules likely to continue
- Science News: 20th century sea level rose at fastest rate since founding of Rome
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Valentine’s Day Flood on Russian River wrought record disaster in Sonoma County
- Water Deeply: Jennifer Bowles: Building Water Literacy
- Orange County Register: Editorial: Feinstein’s water bill could be good news for thirsty state
- E&E: House takes up Calif. water supplies
- CBS Local: Spring Weather Forecast: What Will El Nino Bring?
- EP Magazine: Preparing for El Niño: How Mitigating Contamination Risks
- Stockton Record: Groundwater running on a deficit in S.J. County
- Daily Journal: Water regulators have fined a Northern California tomato processing plant
- Lake County News: Northern Inner Coast Range state conservancy bill introduced
- 89.3 KPCC: Researchers hustle to prevent invasive fungus from threatening US …
- Redding Record Searchlight: Gravel work to aid salmon
- Lake County News: CDFW to host public meeting on ocean salmon fisheries
- Fox News: Critics of California water-tunnel project claim it’s gov’t waste to save tiny smelt (video)
Tags: California, drought, water