- Sacramento Bee: Feds sharply increase flows from Folsom Lake
- Fresno Bee: Dry February could bring problems for drought-stricken Valley
- San Francisco Chronicle: Folsom Lake has more than doubled in size but we’re still in a drought
- Los Angeles Times: Mercury, DDT and other contaminants in fish are at a four-decade low
- San Diego Union Tribune: El Niño raises concerns about coastal erosion
- The Orion: Water companies hope water restrictions dry up
- Redding Record Searchlight: California drought’s hardest-hit may need years of support
- Porterville Recorder: Drought relief elusive
- Visalia Times-Delta: US waters rule slams farmers
- Ventua County Star: More rain coming; catch it with rain barrels
- Eureka Times Starndard: Water conservation efforts decrease in December
- Times of San Diego: Carlsbad Desalination Plant May Soon Ease Water Restrictions
- The Desert Sun: Our Voice: California must keep on smart water path
- Noozhawk: Goleta Council Votes to Adhere to California’s New Water …
- Christian Science Moitor: Why drought could be the new normal for the US Southwest
- Imperial Valley Press: Imperial frustrated by state’s water conservation mandates
- Los Angeles Times: City Atty. Mike Feuer, turf rebate recipient, steers clear of DWP …
- Nature World News: California Snowpack At Highest Point in Five Years
- Long Beach Press Telegram: Long Beach misses water conservation target in January
- MWC News: El Nino storms bring relief to California farmers
- Victorville Daily Press: Varying levels of chromium-6 found in wells
- The Trinity Journal: Studies show poor fish returns, spawning in 2015
- Truth-Out: The Deal That Brought the Colorado River Back to the Sea
- KPBS: Restore Native Habitat To Help Endangered Birds
- Sacramento Bee: Wildlife and suburbia mingle in Natomas Basin
- Lake Tahoe News: Invasive species a constant threat in the West
Tags: California, drought, water