For Immediate Release
December 4, 2015
Contact: Tom Mentzer
(202) 224-9629
Feinstein Statement
on California Water Negotiations Washington—Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) today released the following statement on California water negotiations:
“I want to set the record straight. To imply that the federal or state governments have signed off on a water bill is patently false. While we have reached agreement on major provisions, there are others that we do not have agreement on at this time.
“I spoke with Leader McCarthy and clearly said that we had to have sign-off on the bill from the federal and state governments, and that was the process we were undergoing.
“To pass any bill out of the Senate, it must be supported by both California senators. Senator Boxer has urged an open process and the sign-off of both the federal and state governments, which is a very reasonable request. It is my intention to finish this process and submit the bill for regular order.”