- Sacramento Bee: Cleanup crews race against rain in fire-damaged California
- Los Angeles Times: MWD considers buying 4 delta islands to solve some water problems
- San Diego Union Tribune: Wildfire risk to rise by six times, study says
- The Tribune: State is offering water rebates
- KCRA Sacramento: Folsom Lake near historic low depth despite rainfall
- Sacramento Bee: Landmark Huntington Gardens gets a water-wise makeover
- Bloomberg: California’s Costly Solution to Make the Ocean Drinkable
- The Pasadena Star-News: Arcadia issues fines, installs flow restrictors on homes not …
- Grist: How California could get smarter about droughts and flooding
- WIRED: California Is Finally Getting Rain. Now if It Could Just Hold on to It
- Davis Enterprise: Davis teachers’ science lessons are anything but dry
- Courthouse News Service: California Water Board Isn’t Messing Around
- Appeal-Democrat: Drought Watch: Remembering what rain is like
- Bloomberg: Can Seawater Desalination Solve California’s Drought?
- San Jose Mercury News: Storm brings brief soaking to the Bay Area, snow to the Sierras
- OCRegister: Good sign for winter? Another big snowstorm comes to the Sierras
- Business Insider: These two guys found an affordable way to turn salt water into …
- Voice of America: California Storms Bring Autumn Respite to Drought
- Merced Sun-Star: Groups voice opposite opinions on delayed Bay-Delta Plan
- L.A. Weekly: Hey L.A., El Niño Rain Is Far From a Sure Thing
- KSBW The Central Coast: Storm brings lightning, thunder to Central Coast
- San Francisco Chronicle: Oil pipeline spills about 21,000 gallons off Santa Barbara coast
- eSan Joaquin Blog: Butte Fire erosion fears: How you can help
- Daily Republic: Questions, answers about toxic West Coast crabs