Making waves
The RMP Annual Meeting and the State of the Estuary Conference highlighted new developments in Bay water quality and the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay. Concurrent with the Meeting and Conference, the latest Pulse of the Bay and the State of the Estuary Report were released.
The conference and reports resulted in extensive media coverage. In particular, a poster describing a pilot study on microplastics in the Bay, led by SFEI’s Rebecca Sutton, produced a huge wave of attention from local media and politicians. Soon thereafter, the Governor signed legislation banning microbeads in personal care products such as exfoliants and toothpaste. The legislation takes effect in January 2020. SFEI is developing a journal article on the pilot study and is also scoping out a proposed plan for monitoring the effectiveness of the ban as well as trends in other microplastics in the Bay.
We invite you to peruse the media coverage and other resources through the links below.

October 9, 2015
Last week, the Governor signed AB 888, a bill that bans microplastic beads in personal care products. Companies have until 2020 to phase out the use of these “microbeads.” California now has strongest state law in the nation on this issue. More information…

September 23, 2015
With separate news crews, KPIX and KNTV followed up on the San Jose Mercury and Contra Costa Times stories by Paul Rogers regarding the surprising findings revealed by a new study. Led by SFEI’s Rebecca Sutton, the study on microplastics uncovers the widespread extent and high level of microplastic contamination in the S.F. Bay. Microbeads — the small synthetic granules found in cosmetics, soaps, and even toothpaste — form the primary focus of the study. The study’s early results have inspired concern from the public regarding the potential impacts to human health.
More information…

September 9, 2015
On September 9, the San Francisco Chronicle highlighted some of the environmental strides and challenges revealed in the latest Pulse of the Bay, a comprehensive water quality summary that ranks San Francisco Bay’s water quality as “fair to good.” The Pulse of the Bay, a product of the Regional Monitoring Program for Water Quality in San Francisco Bay, says that water quality is excellent for swimming at most beaches, poor at two of 28 beaches in summer and poor at six of 22 in wet weather.
More information…

September 17-18, 2015
The RMP Annual Meeting was held in conjunction this year with the State of the Estuary Conference. Collectively, the events brought together over 800 people interested in the condition of our estuary. The following features a collection of highlights of the conference as recorded in social media in the form of videos, images, quotations, and other observations. We hope you enjoy perusing this unique conversation of over 89 users, 500 tweets, and a world-wide audience of over 400,000 people.
More information…
Follow us on Twitter for links to breaking news on Bay water quality.
- Becky Sutton (@beckysuttonphd) keeps tabs on news relating to chemicals
of emerging concern
- Jay Davis (@JayDavis_ASC) tracks news relating to general
Bay water quality.
- @sfei_asc for general news from the San Francisco Estuary Institute
and Aquatic Science Center.
For general questions or comments about the RMP, contact Phil Trowbridge ( or Jay Davis (