Governor Signs Bill: No More Plastic Microbeads in California! |

On Thursday, October 8, Governor Brown signed CASA’s co-sponsored bill, AB 888, which bans the use of plastic microbeads in personal care products like face wash, soap, and toothpaste. The enactment of AB 888 is a significant victory for ensuring water quality through source control in California. Furthermore, AB 888 is now the most stringent microbead ban in the country. While other states have implemented microbead bans, California’s new law is the first in the country to prohibit all plastic microbeads, including those made from biodegradable plastics.
CASA worked diligently to pass AB 888 this year, along with Assemblyman Bloom and our environmental colleagues and co-sponsors, Californians Against Waste, Clean Water Action, 5 Gyres, and the Story of Stuff Project. The ban on plastic microbeads takes effect January 1, 2020, but many personal care products companies have pledged to phase out the use of plastic microbeads in advance of the final implementation date.
Our thanks to Assemblyman Richard Bloom for his leadership on this issue. We also extend our thanks to the CASA membership for voicing support of this bill to your local legislators. The advocacy by CASA member agencies lent an important and credible voice for water quality and source control, and was key to ensuring the passage of this legislation.
Governor Signs, Vetoes Bills as Legislative Session Ends
Sunday, October 11 was the final deadline for Governor Brown to act on all bills sent to him during the 2015 Legislative Session. Hundreds of bills were acted on in the final days preceding the deadline, including two additional bills relevant to CASA members. Read more…
Court Blocks Waters of the U.S. Rule
On October 9, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit issued an order temporarily blocking implementation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Clean Water Rule, commonly referred to as the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule. The WOTUS rule would establish new standards to determine when waters are subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act. USEPA officially finalized the rule in May after reviewing more than one million public comments. Read more…
Senate Committee Begins Legislative Process on Drought Relief
On October 8, Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources Chairwoman, Lisa Murkowski, began the process of developing a comprehensive western drought relief bill, convening the Committee to hear testimony on Senator Feinstein’s California Emergency Drought Relief Act, S. 1894 and the Western Water and American Food Security Act, H.R. 2898. Read more…
Federal Mandate Could Affect Deliveries to Wastewater Plants |
A looming rule to protect runaway trains could result in the disruption of chemical deliveries to wastewater treatment plants. Read more… |
Meet CASA’s President: Kevin Hardy |

Find out where he went to school, learn about his rise through the ranks in the industry, and even take a peek into his personal life and how he spends his free time.
Take a few minutes to get to know CASA’s 2015-2016 President of the Board, Kevin Hardy. Read more…
CASA Prepares for Next Generation Leadership |
CASA’s Adam Link accepts recognition from WEF President Paul Bowen |
CASA’s Director of Government Affairs, Adam Link, recently completed the training program for the 2015 Water Leadership institute.
The Water Leadership Institute is a program sponsored by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) aimed at education, training, and providing opportunities that enable developing and emerging leaders within the water industry. Read more…
Madelyne (Maddi) Misheloff Joins the DSRSD Board
Dublin San Ramon Services District (DSRSD) Board of Directors unanimously appointed Madelyne (Maddi) Misheloff to fill the vacancy on the Board that occurred when former Director Dawn Benson resigned to apply for a staff position at the District.
 This September marked the California Product Stewardship Council (CPSC)’s eighth anniversary since seating the board in 2007. Successes are highlighted in their annual report.
California’s Kevin McCarthy shocked Americans and the U.S. House of Representatives last week when he withdrew his candidacy for Speaker of the House hours after meeting with his Republican House colleagues to make his case for their votes. Read more…
Biosolids professionals can respond to a call for papers and attend the 2016 Canadian Biosolids and Residuals conference, which will be held in Edmonton, Alberta next May. The call for papers is open until December 11, 2015. Read more…
Oct. 16, 2015
Orange County Sanitation District
State of the District Breakfast
Fountain Valley
Oct. 22, 2015
American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists
Los Angeles
Oct. 28-29, 2015
Stanford University Global Projects Center
Nov. 4-5, 2015
California Bioresources Alliance
Rancho Cordova, CA
Nov. 4-5, 2015
Brisbane, Australia
Nov. 4-6
Henderson, NV
Jan. 20-22, 2016
Palm Springs
Feb. 22-24, 2016
Washington, D.C.
Aug. 10-12, 2016
CASA Connects September 5
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