- San Francisco Chronicle: El Niño is no substitute for water management
- Associated Press: California governor signs aggressive climate change bill
- PBS News Hour: As drought-desperate California sinks, the risk of flood is rising
- KFBK: Grim Outlook for 2016’s Water Levels
- KCRA Sacramento: Drought could make salmon fishing conditions even worse
- Fox News: California’s farmers left high and dry by drought, environmental regs
- KCRA Sacramento: California’s historic drought likely to impact salmon run
- E&E NEws: Key Calif. reservoirs only 24% full — report
- Stanford Medical Center Report: Children’s hospital to tap sustainable water practices
- KPCC: Staying afloat during the drought: Using technology to reshape
- AllGov: Feds Block Cadiz Plan to Ship Mojave Water to Urban SoCal
- NPR: California’s Vineyards Pressed To Turn Less Water Into Wine
- Fox 5 San Diego: Drought drives drop in county’s agricultural production
- Santa Maria Sun: El Niño cometh: Meteorologists forecast winter storms of historic …
- CBS News: Godzilla El Niño headed for California
- Daily Democrat: Could Alaska lake water be shipped to California?
- New Scientist: As monster El Niño looms, the world rushes to get ready
- Patch.com: Smaller Dublin Recycled Water Fill Station to Shut Down at End of Month
Western Farm Press: County crop values increase across California - Santa Clarita Valley Signal: Latest forecast still says El Nino could bring rain, snow to California
- NBC 7 San Diego: Upcoming El Nino Will Soak Southern California Into 2016: Scripps
- E&E News: FWS proposes listing for 2 Colorado River fish species
- Oroville Mercury Register: Oroville of Long Ago: Feather River Project 7 years behind schedule
- Monterey County Herald: Red crab tide: Tuna crabs washing up on local beaches
- Kitsap Sun: Warm-water ‘blob’ might explain shrinking salmon
- Union Democrat: Tuolumne County leaders back CCWD request for New Melones storage
- Davis Enterprise: Global leaders talk water policy and food security
- Monterey County Herald: Cal Am desal test well to resume pumping
- Yuba Net: Op-Ed: Jay Lund: Water conservation for the birds
- The Union of Grass Valley: Conservationists attend Sierra Nevada Alliance conference
- Water Deeply: Delta Water Tunnel Project Revised Again, But Concerns Linger
Tags: drought, water