- Associated Press: Sonoma County restores farmland into wetland with levee cut
- New York Times: In Drought-Ridden California,
the Classic Lawn Loses Ground - Pioneer Business Review: California drought conditions worsening by the day
- Central Valley Business Times: Sinking Central Valley prompts state workshop
- yourcentralvalley.com: CA drought may be the worst on record
- yourcentralvalley.com: Drought, underground pumping causing the Valley to sink
- PRI: California’s drought is hitting indigenous Latino workers hard
- Imperial Valley News: Map identifies farmland with greatest potential for groundwater recharge
- Cal Coast News: Drought challenges mounting for California farmers
- Central Valley Business Times: Central Valley idle farmland doubling during drought
- ABC30.com: UC Merced is finding innovative ways to cut back on water use
- Modesto Bee: Grower says Oakdale Irrigation District broke state law with secret water sale
- Modesto Bee: Modesto could leave water partnership
- Patch.com: El Nino Predictions Bring Advice to Consider Flood Coverage
- FOX40: With Strong El Nino Expected, FEMA Urges Residents to Buy Flood Insurance
- Outside Magazine: How El Niño Will Affect the West this Winter
- Silicon Valley Business Journal: New forecast: Feds say El Niño will be long and strong
- Modesto Bee: Almond growers join in groundwater study
- NBC Southern California: Currents of Change: Tracking the El Nino Data
- KCRA Sacramento: California farmers hope to capture El Niño rains
- Ukiah Daily Journal: California Focus: New water battle pits pot vs. fish
- Sonoma Index-Tribune: Sears Point Levee Breached
- San Francisco Chronicle: Proposed bay delta tunnels will let in even more saltwater
- Jewish Journal: Our trip to the Israel water conference
Tags: drought, el nino, water