CASA Connects Newsletter for August 3, 2015

August 3, 2015
Senator Feinstein Introduces Emergency Drought Relief Act
Senator Dianne Feinstein last week introduced the California Emergency Drought Relief Act of 2015, along with co-sponsor, Senator Barbara Boxer. CASA worked with the Senator’s staff on provisions related to water recycling infrastructure. In partnership with the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) and WateReuse CA, we provided Senator Feinstein updated information on agencies that are investing in water recycling projects. The Senator used the information to identify agencies for funding consideration under her bill. Agencies not previously identified may still seek funding at a later time. The agency list can be found in… (read more)
CASA Joins Assembly Member Rendon for Forum on Bioenergy Issues
BAC Executive Director Julia Levin, Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, CASA Executive Director and Chair of BAC Board of Directors, Bobbi Larson.

CASA members and staff were on hand July 29 for a roundtable discussion on bioenergy development with Assembly Member Anthony Rendon, Chair of the Assembly Utilities and Commerce Committee.


Assembly Member Rendon joined the Bioenergy Association of California (BAC) meeting at the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts’ joint water pollution control plant in Carson. He shared his insights on increasing funding and removing barriers to bioenergy projects, including the importance of job creation, focusing on multiple benefits, and showing how bioenergy can address the water/energy nexus. He also urged BACmembers to weigh in now on important energy legislation, as he expects key bills, such as SB 350 (DeLeon), to be negotiated and passed by the September 11 constitutional deadline.

CASA Supports Clean Water Act Citizen Suit Reform Legislation
Clean Water Act citizen suit reform has been on of CASA’s highest federal priorities for many years. Last week, Congressman Duncan Hunter of San Diego introduced legislation that would address a significant number of CASA’s issues with the citizen suit provisions. This would help protect CASA members against frivolous lawsuits. Read more…
60th Annual Conference Update

  • Although the cut-off date for the CASA special rate has passed,rooms are still available at the Manchester Grand Hyatt at their standard rate. You can also contact Debbie Welch to see if anyone has cancelled so she can apply the special rate to your stay.
  • Want to know who’s attending the conference? Visit our website to view the attendees list.
  • Registration is still open for the August 19-21 conference. We look forward to seeing you in San Diego.
Agency News
Marin Addresses Issue of Safe Pharmaceutical Disposal
The sanitation sector celebrates another win this week as Marin County joins four other Bay Area counties in taking a major step toward the safe disposal of drugs. Read the story…


Got news? Send it to us!

Best of Facebook this Week

Roseville recycled water keeps trees alive.


CASA on Facebook
Mixed Bag
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project finalizes design of five-year study to monitor for CECs Statewide. View the pilot study report.

Water Environment Research Foundation updated their national research center for resource recovery and nutrient management page. Visit WERF’s Research Center for Nutrient Management page for more information



Date Organization Event Location
Aug. 19-21, 2015 CASA



This August, CASA will celebrate our60th annual conference. Join us as we relive milestones in wastewater history. And as we head down the path of utility of the future, we’ll take a glimpse at what may lie ahead.


San Diego
Sept. 26-30, 2015 Water Environment Foundation (WEF) The Water Environment Foundation’s annual technical conference, WEFTEC.


August 26-August 28, 2015 U.S. Water Alliance


San Francisco
Oct. 28-29, 2015 Stanford University Global Projects Center Public-Private Partnerships for the Water Sector Stanford
Jan. 20-22, 2016 CASA Winter Conference Palm Springs
Feb. 22-24, 2016 CASA Washington, D.C. Conference Washington, D.C.
Aug. 10-12, 2016 CASA Annual Conference Monterey
In Case You Missed It…
  • Esteemed Panel to Discuss Watershed Management
  • Grant Would Fund Biosolids Research for Land Reclamation
  • CASA Joins League of Cities to File Amicus in Public Records Act Case
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