This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region (2).
The Final Environmental Assessment/Environmental Impact Report (EA/EIR) for the Maintenance Dredging of the Federal Navigation Channels in San Francisco Bay, Fiscal Years 2015-2024 and Response to Comments is available online here.
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) prepared the Draft EA/EIR to address the environmental effects of the proposed project. These agencies prepared the Draft EA/EIR in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) of 1970, as well as implementing regulations and agency guidelines. The USACE is the NEPA lead agency, and Regional Water Board is the CEQA lead agency.
The Response to Comments on the Draft EA/EIR is included as Appendix C to the Final EA/EIR. The Response to Comments responds to the agency and public comments received on the Draft EA/EIR in January 2015. It also describes changes made to the Draft EA/EIR in response to comments received. These modifications do not change the conclusions of the analysis presented in the Draft EA/EIR, and do not introduce significant new information on the project, project impacts, or mitigation that is substantially different from what was presented and analyzed in the Draft EA/EIR.
The Regional Water Board plans to consider certifying the EIR and adopting Reissued Waste Discharge Requirements and Water Quality Certification for the project at a public hearing on May 13. For additional information regarding the hearing, please contact Elizabeth Christian at the Regional Water Board at or 510-622-2335, or visit: