“Save Our Water” Update – Jan 7th: Save Our Water Launches New Website

  • by BPC Staff
  • on January 8, 2015

Jan. 7, 2015

Save Our Water Launches New Website

As we kick off a new year, Save Our Water has launched an all-new website at www.SaveOurWater.com<http://www.SaveOurWater.com> to help Californians make lasting and permanent reductions in the amount of water they use every day. The new site is designed to be simpler, with easier access to tools and information, and fully connected to social media platforms to encourage program content to be shared more widely.

The new SaveOurWater.com<http://SaveOurWater.com> features enhanced toolkits that are tailored for Water Agencies, Businesses and other partners. Additional tools and messaging will be developed as we move into 2015. The site also features our popular Partner Spotlight where we will continue to highlight your local conservation efforts.

The new site replaces both of the program’s existing websites – www.saveourh2o.org<http://www.saveourh2o.org> and the microsite that was launched last summer. To keep the transition easy for our partners, the site was built to ensure that existing links to the old website will simply redirect to the appropriate pages on the new website. If you encounter any links that don’t access the appropriate information, please let us know at partners@saveourwater.com<mailto:partners@saveourwater.com>.

Throughout the drought, Save Our Water has aimed to give Californians tools and tips to help everyone easily conserve at home and at work, every day. In addition to the new website, Save Our Water connects with Californians on its Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/pages/Save-Our-Water/68570165885> page, Twitter<http://www.twitter.com/saveourwater> and Instagram<http://www.instagram.com/saveourwater> accounts.

Save Our Water & California Arts Council Partner on Poster Contest The California Arts Council has partnered with DWR and Save Our Water on the Conservation Creativity Challenge Poster Contest. This contest supports State Drought Task Force efforts and Governor Brown’s goal of awakening all Californians – including young people – to the ongoing need for water conservation in our state. The contest aims to educate students about the serious matter of California’s drought, and to help raise awareness of everyday water conservation practices through the arts and creativity.

Through the contest, educators and parents can harness the creativity of 4th and 5th grade students while fulfilling state education standards. Students are invited to invent fun and unique ways to reduce water use, and illustrate their best idea with an original poster design. All California students in 4th and 5th grade are eligible to participate and win prizes, including gift cards, and the opportunity for their artwork to be displayed in the State Capitol.

Complete contest details and teacher curriculum and lesson planning resources are available at www.arts.ca.gov/conservation<http://www.arts.ca.gov/conservation>. Student entries must be submitted by March 31, 2015.

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