Public Comment Period – Tentative Resolution to Concur with Findings of the Sonoma Valley Salt and Nutrient Management Plan

  • by BPC Staff
  • on October 12, 2014

This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region (2).

The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board’s staff has prepared a Tentative Resolution that concurs with the findings of the Sonoma Valley Salt and Nutrient Management Plan.

The “Policy for Water Quality Control for Recycled Water” (Recycled Water Policy; Resolution No. 2009-01 as amended by Resolution No. 2013-03) of the State Water Resources Control Board calls for local water and wastewater entities, together with local salt and nutrient contributing stakeholders, to develop salt and nutrient management plans for each groundwater basin/subbasin in California to assess water quality and evaluate strategies for complying with salt and nutrient water quality objectives. The Tentative Resolution recognizes the completion of the Sonoma Valley Salt and Nutrient Management Plan prepared by the Sonoma Valley County Sanitation District. The Tentative Resolution consists of findings regarding use of recycled water and water quality information about the Sonoma Valley groundwater subbasin, and does not include any new or revised regulatory requirements.

The Tentative Resolution and supporting Staff Report are available online


There will be a 30-day comment period on the above documents.Written comments must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 9, 2014 and should be submitted to the staff contact below.

The public hearing on the Tentative Resolution will be held as follows:


Date:   December 10, 2014

Time: 9:00 am

Place: Elihu Harris State Building Auditorium

1515 Clay Street

Oakland, CA 94612


Staff contact: for more information, please contact Ben Livsey at (510) 6222308, or by e-mail at


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