Proposed Order on Petitions for Reconsideration and Objections to January 31, 2014 Order on Delta Temporary Urgency Changes

  • by BPC Staff
  • on September 3, 2014
 This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board.
SUBJECT: Proposed Order Taking Action on Petitions for Reconsideration of and Addressing Objections to the Executive Director’s January 31, 2014 Order that Approved Temporary Urgency Changes in License and Permit Terms and Conditions for the State Water Project and Central Valley Project and Subsequent Modifications to That Order
At its September 23-24, 2014 meeting, the State Water Board will consider adoption of the Order, which takes action on petitions for reconsideration of and addresses objections to the State Water Board Executive Director’s January 31, 2014 Order, and subsequent modifications to that Order, that conditionally approved a Temporary Urgency Change Petition (TUCP) to modify the conditions of the water right permits for the Department of Water Resources’ State Water Project and the water right license and permits for the United States Bureau of Reclamation’s Central Valley Project. 
The State Water Board will separately publish an agenda for the September 23-24, 2014 meeting at which it will consider adopting the attached Order.  Oral comments at the State Water Board meeting generally will be limited to a summary of the written comments submitted during the written comment period.  In order to be fully considered, written comments must be submitted by noon on Tuesday, September 16, 2014.  Comment letters received after that deadline will not be accepted unless the State Water Board determines otherwise.  Send comments to Jeanine Townsend, Clerk to the State Water Board, by email (must be no more than 15 megabytes); fax at (916) 341-5620; or mail or hand delivery at:
Jeanine Townsend, Clerk to the Board
State Water Resources Control Board
1001 I Street, 24th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814
Couriers delivering hard copies of comment letters must check in with lobby security personnel, who can contact Ms. Townsend at
(916) 341-5600.  At the Board Meeting, commenters will be given an opportunity to make oral comments or to summarize and supplement orally previously-submitted written materials.  The TUCP, the Executive Director’s orders conditionally approving the TUCP, and other information concerning this matter are posted on the State Water Board’s website at:
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Diane Riddle at or (916) 341-5297, or Karen Niiya at or (916) 341-5365.
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