June 2014 CASA Connects Newsletter

  • by BPC Staff
  • on June 27, 2014
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In the News
For a complete view of all CASA news, visit CASA Current News.

CASA Upcoming Events
August 20-22, 2014
Monterey, CA
The preliminary program is now posted and registration is open.
January 21-23, 2015

Winter Conference,
Hilton Palm Springs, CA

For a complete list of all upcoming CASA and industry events, visit the CASA calendar of events.

CASA Education Foundation First Round of Scholarship a Huge Success
With the help of CASA members, the CASA Education Foundation released its first call for scholarship applicants this spring. By the late May deadline for submittals, 12 applications had been received following numerous inquiries from students and parents. The applicants’ essays, academic records, extracurricular activities and commitment to a career with a nexus to clean water was amazing. The success the students have already accomplished will make the selection of the top two very difficult. The selection will take place by the end of June with notification to the two $5,000 scholarship winners in early July. The scholarship winners will be announced at the August conference.

Water Bond Negotiations Still in Flux
With the legislative deadlines quickly approaching and a month long summer legislative break scheduled to commence on July 3, 2014, negotiations on the water bond have heated up in Sacramento. A multitude of various water interests, includingAssociation of California Water Agencies (ACWA), CASA, WateReuse and many others have been working extensively with legislative staff to ensure that the ultimate product is a proportional, balanced and comprehensive proposal for the state’s varying regional water needs.

CASA AND ACWA Take Lead to Urge Drought Legislation Address Water Recycling
As Congress continues to wrestle with the implications of the persistent western drought, including reduced water deliveries, CASA and ACWA launched an effort to remind House and Senate California water policy leaders about the vital role of water recycling. In a letter to Congress, CASA and ACWA were joined by the Western Water Recycling Coalition and WateReuse urging California’s members of Congress that any final drought bill must ensure that water recycling projects can be constructed to address the emergency.

Seeking to Understand California’s Water Puzzle? Join CASA in Monterey in August
CASA’s Annual Conference, scheduled for August 20 through 22 at the Monterey Marriott, will feature speakers and panel presentations designed to assist wastewater utilities in understanding the latest developments on the drought, the water bond and resource recovery. Thursday’s opening session includes an analysis of the California water bond and its implications for the clean water community, featuring Cindy Tuck, State Legislative Director for the Association of California Water Agencies, who is active in negotiations on the final package. She will be joined by Caitrin Chappelle of the Public Policy Institute of California, which recently published the influential report “Paying for Water in California.” AB 1234 ethics training for public officials is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon. On Friday morning, a panel of water quality leaders will engage in a conversation on regional collaborative approaches to water quality challenges. The conference will close with a preview of the November election. You can view the preliminary conference program here.
CASA will also hold its annual business meeting on August 21, including election of the FY 2014-15 Board of Directors.
The cut off for room reservations at the conference rate at theMonterey Marriott is July 15th.
Join your colleagues for new ideas, the latest legislative developments and networking. Register today!

Utility Leadership Committee at Work on CASA Priorities
The Utility Leadership Committee (ULC) is focusing its efforts on actions to address 10 key areas identified in the Committee’s 2014 Priority Action Plan. The Committee’s four workgroups, along with CASA staff, have taken the lead on translating the plan into specific tasks and deliverables. In June, the workgroups briefed the Committee on the status of efforts to date.

USEPA Moves to Implement Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act
President Obama signed the Water Resources Reform and Development Act (Public Law #113-121) two weeks ago. Upon the stroke of a pen, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) took steps to implement the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA). WIFIA establishes a loan and guarantee program under which USEPA can extend assistance to water and wastewater infrastructure projects with a total project cost of $20 million or more. WIFIA support is limited to 49% of a project’s cost.

Nutrient Stakeholder Process Underway; CASA Seeks to Advance its “Outcome Focused” Approach
CASA continues to work internally with the CASA membership and externally with the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) to develop a better approach to addressing nutrients in California. The Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) formed as part of the development of a nutrient policy for inland surface waters held its first meeting on June 13, 2014. Numerous POTW representatives attended, including several CASA staff and members. A CASA contribution expedited the launch of the process by providing funding for facilitation services at the initial stakeholder meetings.

CASA Asks FDA to “Wash its Hands” of Triclosan
CASA joined the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) in requesting that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) require additional data to establish whether triclosan and other antibacterial chemicals used in consumer antiseptic washes are safe and effective. CASA’s comment letter noted that due to concerns about the impacts of antiseptic chemicals on the wastewater treatment process and on the environment, the Association supports restrictions of the use of antiseptics in consumer products and the FDA’s proposal to require additional data about these chemicals.
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