Below are Summaries of the adopted amendments:
*Diaz-Balart (R-FL)* The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to implement or enforce numeric Florida Water Quality Standards. The amendment passed on a vote of 26-19.
*Calvert (R-CA)* The amendment prevents the EPA from being forced to implement a biological opinion related to pesticides and the Endangered Species Act. This will allow time for an independent scientific review on the issue to be completed. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
*Jackson (D-IL)* The amendment increases visitor services funding by $1 million for the National Park Service related to the 150-year Civil War commemoration, offset by a cut to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) oil and gas program. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
*Emerson (R-MO)* The amendment inserts report language to direct the EPA to conduct a study on the economic impact of a rule requiring installation of catalytic converters on certain engines. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
C*ulberson (R-TX)* The amendment inserts report language requiring the *Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation and Enforcement* (BOEMRE) to provide quarterly reports to Congress on the status of permits, as well as reasons permits were denied. The was adopted on a voice vote.
*Rehberg (R-MT)* The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to implement the “lead contractor” rule until the agency approves a commercially available lead paint test kit. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
A*ustria (R-OH)* The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to finalize a new greenhouse gas standard for automobiles after model year 2017. The amendment passed on a vote of 27-20.
*Flake (R-AZ)* The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to regulate certain levels of particulate matter in the air – including farm dust – under the Clean Air Act. The amendment passed on a vote of 29-18.
*Rehberg (R-MT) *The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to develop duplicative financial assurance requirements on manufacturing (chemicals, petroleum refining, power plants, mining, wood products, metals, and electronics). The amendment passed on a vote of 28-17.
*Emerson (R-MO)* The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to designate new wetlands in emergency disaster areas. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
*LaTourette (R-OH)* The amendment prohibits states from receiving EPA Great Lakes funding if they have adopted ballast water requirements that are more stringent than federal requirements. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
*LaTourette (R-OH)* The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to implement a regulation to restrict information provided on pesticide labels. The amendment was adopted on a voice vote.
*Cole (R-OK) *The amendment prohibits funding for the EPA to implement regulations related to ammonia emissions such as those created by agricultural operations. The amendment passed on a voice vote.
*Lummis (R-WY)* The amendment inserts report language to direct the EPA to do a cumulative assessment of the impacts of EPA regulations, and prohibits funding for the “Utility MACT” and “Transport” rules. The amendment passed on a vote of 25 to 20.