Tag: water

  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 14, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 14, 2016

Record Bee: Quagga mussels found in state water project Sacramento Bee: Fact check: Feinstein way off the mark when she said ‘tens of … Phys.Org: Drought strikes centuries-old California oaks WIRED: The Drought-Busting Bill Congress Just Passed Might Screw the … California Farm Bureau: Federal drought legislation passes overwhelmingly Farm Bureau News: Waterways infrastructure bill ready for president’s signature Independent: Massive ‘rivers […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 13, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 13, 2016

Sacramento Bee: Donald Trump forces a California water deal without lifting a finger Sacramento Bee: Long-sought flood control projects eased passage of California … Sacramento Bee: What does the new federal water bill mean for California? For one, a big win for farmers Sacramento Bee: How California’s water conservation strategy is falling short Fox & Hounds: Fox: Toast the Water […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 12, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 12, 2016

Lake County News: STATE: Quagga mussel infestation discovered in Pyramid Lake; state imposes boating restrictions Sacramento Bee: Will the wet start to the rainy season put dent in California’s drought? Los Angeles Times: A problem ‘too big to ignore’ — how years of congressional wrangling led to a water compromise McClatchy Washington Bureau: After years of drama, farmers score […]

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  • Water
  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 6, 2016

Update on WRDA, from Politico

By Annie Snider 12/06/2016 02:14 PM EDT Hurdles are piling up in the Senate for the Water Resources Development Act, with multiple lawmakers now vowing to hold up the measure over regional provisions and work threatening to bleed into the weekend. “I think it’s very unlikely that the votes are there,” Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) told […]

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Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act: A Letter from Andrew D. Sawyers

Dear colleagues, Over the past two years, EPA has focused on setting up the administrative structure necessary to launch the Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program.  Today, I am very excited to announce that Administrator McCarthy signed two rules to establish the administrative structure necessary to offer credit assistance under the WIFIA program. […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 6, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 6, 2016

Los Angeles Times: Last-minute push for California drought legislation creates friction between Feinstein and Boxer San Francisco Chronicle: Boxer slams water bill rider backed by Feinstein McClatchy Washington Bureau: Boxer, Feinstein in angry split over new California water-bill plan Washington Examiner: Top Dem threatens to block McCarthy drought deal Associated Press: House, Senate leaders reach deal on California drought, Flint […]

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  • Water
  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 5, 2016

From E&E: WRDA deal ‘imminent’; passage expected this week

WRDA deal ‘imminent’; passage expected this week Tiffany Stecker, E&E News reporter Published: Monday, December 5, 2016 Congress is on the brink of passing a massive water resources bill this week, as negotiators hammer out the final details on a deal to help Flint, Mich., and other cities with crumbling infrastructure. As of Friday, the […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onDecember 5, 2016

California Water and Drought News for December 5, 2016

Los Angeles Times: Fall snow, rains have ‘satisfied the drought debt’ in Northern Sierra … New York Times: Will California Ever Let Sierra Nevada Forests Burn? KQED: The Coming California Drought in 2017 Las Vegas Review-Journal: California’s new water conservation plan focuses on cities Los Angeles Times: A tragic fire in Oakland raises many questions California Ag Today: drought stress News […]

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