Category: Bank of the West US Outlooks

Bank of the West US Outlook Report for July 22, 2016

US Outlook Report: Economy Dancing to a Different Beat Before Brexit raised the level of global economic uncertainty at the end of June, the U.S. economy was clearly experiencing a growth spurt that has largely laid to rest investors’ concerns since the start of the year about an impending U.S. recession – even with a […]

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Bank of the West US Outlook Report for June 3, 2016

Bank of the West US Outlook Report for June 3, 2016 The mixed picture of U.S. economic growth continued this week and the May jobs number was more than disappointing. April construction spending plunged on weaker public and non-residential construction activity, while regional manufacturing purchasing managers’ indexes and the national ISM manufacturing index remained moribund […]

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Bank of the West US Outlook Report for May 27, 2016

US Outlook Report: Setting Up for a Better Second Half Sometimes teams that play a lackluster first-half go into the locker-room at half-time and emerge so energized they play like a completely different team. Now, nearly two-thirds of the way through the second quarter the U.S. economy is about to go into the locker-room for […]

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Bank of the West US Outlook Report for May 13, 2016

US Outlook Report: Housing Market Doing Just Fine A number of indicators will be released next week that will reveal the latest developments in the U.S. housing market. Despite the scary drop in housing starts and permits last month, the upcoming housing data for April should appear more reassuring. The current low interest-rate environment, healthy […]

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Bank of the West US Outlook Report for April 15, 2016

US Outlook Report: Retail Sales Slip Again in March March retail sales came in lower-than-expected, down 0.3 percent, ending a disappointing first quarter for consumer spending. The consensus expectation for the headline figure was for a slight increase of 0.1 percent, considering sustained improvement in other areas of the economy and vanishing effects of the […]

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Bank of the West US Outlook Report for April 8, 2016

US Outlook Report: The Labor Market thorough a Different Prism Through the lens of the March jobs report, the U.S. labor market recovery continues unabated. Nonfarm payroll job gains came in about as we expected at +215K jobs and better than the consensus estimated. But by focusing on the headline numbers, are we only seeing […]

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