Category: Public Policy

  • by BPC Staff
  • onOctober 7, 2014

Public Comment Period extended to November 14th for Clean Water Proposal

The USEPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have announced an extension of the proposed rule (Waters of the United States) to clarify protection under the Clean Water Act for streams and wetlands. A copy of the announcement can be viewed here. EPA and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have always maintained that […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onOctober 6, 2014

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) Listening Sessions

The EPA will be holding a number of listening sessions to discuss the WIFIA program that is part of the recently passed WRRDA bill. Two of the sessions will be held in California: one in Los Angeles on 10/17 and the other in San Francisco on 11/17. Please see this flyer for more details.   […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onOctober 6, 2014

September 2014 Preliminary Draft for Discussion – Pyrethroid Basin Plan Amendment Language

This is a message from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Central Valley (5). Click here to view the September 2014 Preliminary Draft for Discussion of the Pyrethroid Basin Plan Amendment Language. If anyone would like to send written comments or propose language in the document, please  send to Tessa Fojut at by this Wednesday, Oct […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onOctober 6, 2014

BCDC Commission Meeting Notice for October 16, 2014

BCDC has posted on its website ( the Commission Meeting Notice for its October 16, 2014 meeting, information about BCDC, the Bay, and other issues relevant to the Commission at You may also find information about BCDC Commission meetings at any time on its website at If you have questions or concerns about BCDC activities, […]

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  • by BPC Staff
  • onOctober 3, 2014

State Water Board Plan to Temporarily Lift Curtailments During Future Rainfall Events

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board The State Water Board’s Executive Director is notifying post-1914 appropriative water right holders in the Sacramento, San Joaquin, Russian and Eel River watersheds of plans to temporarily release them from curtailment during upcoming intermittent precipitation events. The notice is posted at: Due to the uncertainty […]

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