Category: Public Policy

House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee Markup

The House Energy and Water Development Appropriations Subcommittee will convene today (Wednesday, April 15) at 1000 am EDT to mark up the Fiscal Year 2016 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Bill (E&W).  The House E & W Bill proposes to fund the Corps of Engineers Civil Works Program at $5.6 billion, this amount is $142 […]

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Draft Coastal Conservancy Strategic Plan Update

The Coastal Conservancy is updating its Strategic Plan to include priorities for Proposition 1 (Water Bond) expenditure, to update our Climate Change objectives and to address the newly created Santa Ana River Conservancy Program. The five-year Strategic Plan identifies specific numeric goals and objectives to help the Coastal Conservancy prioritize its work and measure its […]

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House unveils bill funding Bureau of Reclamation & U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

House unveils bill attacking Obama energy, water priorities By Daniel Bush, Annie Snider and Manuel Quiñones, E&E reporters Published: Tuesday, April 14, 2015, E&E News.  House Republicans today released a spending bill for energy and water programs that would block the Obama administration’s controversial water rule for a year while boosting funding for fossil energy […]

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San Francisco Chronicle Editorial: CEQA “Needs Reform”

TheSan Francisco Chronicle editorialized in favor of CEQA reform. The SF Chronicle editorial (see full editorial below) called for reform of CEQA, noting it can be manipulated and abused for reasons that have nothing to do with the environment. Full SF Chronicle Editorial: “Antiabortion group exploiting environmental law to halt clinic” April 13, 2015 Of all the well-documented […]

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House Appropriations Committee – Energy and Water Appropriations

The House Appropriations Committee released the draft bill for Energy and Water Appropriations.  The Subcommittee markup will take place tomorrow.  At this point, we do not know how much money is going to O&M Navigation. The Bill provides $5.6 Billion for the Corps, of which $2.4 Billion is for all navigation investigations, construction and Operations […]

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Notice of Opportunity to Comment on Proposed Non-Regulatory Amendments to Update Chapters of the Water Quality Control Plan for the Los Angeles Region

Click here to view the Notice of Opportunity to Comment on the  Proposed Non-Regulatory Amendments To Administratively Update Chapter 1: “Introduction”, Chapter 5 “Plans And Policies”, And Chapter 6 “Monitoring And Assessment” By Incorporating Updated Information, Tables And Figures Of The Water Quality Control Plan For The Los Angeles Region. Comment Deadline is May 10, 2015 by 12 […]

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Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing – Donovan & Peters

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. Attached here is a Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing to determine whether to issue a Cease and Desist Order and whether to impose Administrative Civil Liability against Nancy K. Donovan and Stephen J. Peters – Unnamed Stream tributary to Maple Creek thence Rancheria […]

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