Category: Public Policy

ACWA eNews for April 22, 2015

ACWA eNews for April 22, 2015 ACWA’s eNews is a weekly roundup of California water news and events.   ACWA-Sponsored CEQA Bill Clears Assembly Appropriations, Headed to Assembly Floor Submitted by Emily Allshouse on Wed, 04/22/2015 – 12:29pm ACWA-sponsored AB 291 (Medina), a bill that would streamline current California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) noticing requirements […]

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Senators push to increase funds for dredging

Senators push to increase funds for dredging Annie Snider, E&E reporter (EE Daily), Published: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 Ports proponents in the Senate are leaning on appropriators to follow through with funding for harbor maintenance and the inland waterways system as work on 2016 funding measures moves forward. In a bipartisan letter sent to Appropriations Committee […]

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APPROPRIATIONS: White House blasts House energy and water bill

APPROPRIATIONS: White House blasts House energy and water bill Hannah Northey, E&E reporter, Published: Wednesday, April 22, 2015 The White House yesterday blasted a House energy and water spending bill that would block the Obama administration’s water rule and boost funding for nuclear and fossil fuel research, calling it “irresponsible.” Shaun Donovan, director of the Office of […]

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Notice Of Adoption Meeting And Opportunity To Comment – Barren Ridge

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. Attached here is a Notice of Adoption Meeting and Opportunity to Comment on Consideration of a Proposed Order for Waste Discharge Requirements and a Water Quality Certification for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Barren Ridge Renewable Transmission Line Project. The Adoption […]

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Draft Emergency Regulation for Urban Water Conservation Available for Review and Comment

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. The Draft Emergency Regulation to implement the urban water conservation called for in the Governor’s April 1, 2015 Executive Order is now available on the State Water Board website. Two Fact sheets, the Draft Emergency Regulation and a spreadsheet that provides the residential gallons […]

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Revised Notice Of Opportunity To Comment – Administrative Update To Los Angeles Region Basin Plan Chapters 1, 5, & 6

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board. Attached here is a Revised Notice of Opportunity to Comment on the  Proposed Non-Regulatory Amendments To Administratively Update Chapter 1: “Introduction”, Chapter 5 “Plans And Policies”, And Chapter 6 “Monitoring And Assessment” By Incorporating Updated Information, Tables And Figures Of The Water Quality Control […]

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Inside EPA: States Secure ‘Primacy’ Role In House Bill To Force CWA Rule Re-Proposal

States Secure ‘Primacy’ Role In House Bill To Force CWA Rule Re-Proposal Inside EPA Daily News, April 15, 2015 House lawmakers have amended a bill to force EPA to re-propose its Clean Water Act (CWA) jurisdiction rule by inserting language to protect states’ “primacy” over water rights law, advancing the bill through the transportation panel after […]

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