Category: Public Policy

BPC Letter to MTC Programming and Allocations Committee Regarding OBAG Program

The Bay Planning Coalition has submitted a letter to the MTC Programming and Allocations Committee commenting on the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program proposal in regards to the principles and policy revisions for Plan Bay Area 2.0 to be considered by MTC’s Programming and Allocation Committee. Follow the link below to view BPC’s letter to […]

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MTC Programming and Allocations Committee Meeting – July 8, 2015

The MTC Programming and Allocations Committee Meeting will hold a meeting on Wednesday July 8, 2015. Click here to view the agenda for this meeting. In advance of this meeting, the Bay Planning Coalition submitted a letter to the Committee commenting on the One Bay Area Grant (OBAG) Program proposal in regards to the principles and […]

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Joint MTC Planning Committee & ABAG Administrative Committee Meeting – July 10, 2015

The MTC Planning Committee & ABAG Administrative Committee Meeting will be holding a joint meeting on Friday July 10, 2015. Click here to view the agenda. In advance of this meeting, the Bay Planning Coalition submitted a letter to the Committees to register its support for MTC staff’s proposed language for the Adequate Housing Performance Targets for […]

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House Resources Committee Issues Markup Notice for Nine Bills

This morning the House Resources Committee issued a markup notice for nine bills, including H.R. 2898 the Western Water and American Food Security Act which was introduced by Congressman Valadao several weeks ago. The markup will begin at 4:00 EDT on Wednesday July 8th and will reconvene on Thursday July 9th at 10:00 a.m. to […]

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BCDC Commission Meeting Notice and Agenda for July 16, 2015 Meeting

The San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) posted the commission meeting notice, information about BCDC, the Bay, and other issues relevant to the Commission. The BCDC Commission Meeting Notice, Agenda, and Meeting Materials for the July 16, 2015 meeting can be found at the links below.  July 16, 2015 Commission Meeting Notice and Supplemental Materials […]

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Public Notice: 2015 Triennial Review Workshop, August 4, 2015

NOTICE OF PUBLIC SOLICITATION PERIOD AND PUBLIC WORKSHOP TRIENNIAL REVIEW WATER QUALITY CONTROL PLAN, SAN FRANCISCO BAY BASIN   The California Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region (Water Board) is initiating the triennial review process for the Water Quality Control Plan, San Francisco Bay Basin (Basin Plan). The Basin Plan is the […]

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General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities: Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and of Public Hearing and Consideration on Proposed Amendment

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board: A Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Notice of Public Hearing and Consideration of Adoption on the Proposed Amendment to General Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities (Order 2014-0057-DWQ) Extending Deadline for Electronic Submittals of Permit Registration Documents have been released. […]

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