Category: Public Policy

ACWA eNews for December 30, 2015

ACWA eNews for Dec. 30, 2015 ACWA’s eNews is a weekly roundup of California water news and events. Manage your subscription here. Sierra Snow Water Content at 136% of Normal; Impact on Drought Still Unclear Submitted by Pamela Martineau on Wed, 12/30/2015 – 1:44pm Some good news flowed out of the Sierra today when the winter […]

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2015 BPC Joint WRRDA Letter

Bay Planning Coalition, in collaboration with the California State Coastal Conservancy, the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission, Save The Bay, and the Bay Institute, developed a joint WRRDA letter to the Senate and House of Representatives members of the Committee on Appropriations to advocate for the full funding of the Water Resources and Research Development Act […]

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Notice of Opportunity to Comment and of Public Hearing on Reissuances of Statewide General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board Click here to view the Notice of Opportunity to Comment and Notice of Public Hearing on the Reissuance of Statewide General National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit for Biological and Residual Pesticide Discharges to Waters of the United States from Aquatic Animal Invasive Species Control […]

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Register for CA Water 2.0: What’s Next for the California Water Action Plan?

Join ACWA for “CA Water 2.0: What’s Next for the California Water Action Plan?” Thursday, January 14, 2016 Sacramento Convention Center 1400 J Street, Sacramento Save the date for a statewide briefing on progress made and what needs to happen next to implement the California Water Action Plan. Presented by the Brown Administration in partnership with […]

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State Water Board Releases Proposed Framework for Modified Emergency Conservation Regulation Through October 2016

State Water Board Releases Proposed Framework for Modified Emergency Conservation Regulation Through October 2016 ACWA Regulatory Advsisory Dec. 21, 2015 State Water Board Releases Proposed Framework for Modified Emergency Conservation Regulation Through October 2016 Comments Due Jan. 6, 2016 The State Water Resources Control Board today released a proposed regulatory framework that extends the 2015 […]

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California Supreme Court Rejects CEQA Guideline Requiring Analysis of the Existing Environment’s Impacts on a Proposed Project

California Supreme Court Rejects CEQA Guideline Requiring Analysis of the Existing Environment’s Impacts on a Proposed Project A unanimous California Supreme Court has held that the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) generally does not require an analysis of how existing environmental conditions will impact a project’s future users or residents. The Court invalidated a CEQA […]

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What the Toxic Substances Control Act Overhaul Means to Manufacturers

What the Toxic Substances Control Act Overhaul Means to Manufacturers The U.S. Senate passed the long-pending bill (S. 697) to overhaul the Toxic Substances Control Act, which will bolster the government’s power to regulate a wide variety of chemicals. The practical effect of the Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act will […]

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State Water Board Releases Proposed Framework for Modified Emergency Conservation Regulation Through October 2016

State Water Board Releases Proposed Framework for Modified Emergency Conservation Regulation Through October 2016 Comments Due Jan. 6, 2016 The State Water Resources Control Board today released a proposed regulatory framework that extends the 2015 emergency regulation on urban water conservation through October 2016. The framework also includes details on modifications to the emergency regulation […]

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