Category: Public Policy

Draft Resolution on Human Right to Water as a Core Value

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board: At its February 16, 2016 board meeting, the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) will consider adopting the draft resolution (click here to view) pertaining to the human right to water, as established by Water Code section106.3, subdivision (a). On September 25, […]

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Draft Proposed Emergency Regulation for Urban Water Conservation

   This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board   State Water Board staff is seeking comments on its draft Proposed Text of Emergency Regulation, that staff prepared in response to the Governor’s Executive Order B-36-15  calling for an extension of urban water use restrictions until October 31, 2016, should drought conditions persist. […]

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State Water Board Draft Emergency Conservation Regulation for 2016

State Water Board Draft Emergency Conservation Regulation for 2016 [ACWA Regulatory Advisory] Jan. 15, 2016 State Water Board Draft Emergency Conservation Regulation for 2016 Comments Due at noon Thursday, Jan. 28 The State Water Resources Control Board today released a draft emergency conservation regulation<> that would extend the requirements of the existing regulation through October […]

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Clean and Healthy Bay Ballot Measure To Be on June 2016 Ballot in All Bay Area Counties

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (By People for a Clean and Healthy Bay) January 13, 2016 Unprecedented coalition announces support for 9-county ballot measure to restore SF Bay and protect shoreline communities Leading business and environmental organizations join elected officials from across the Bay Area in supporting campaign to fund better water quality, expanded wildlife habitat, shoreline […]

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CASA Connects Newsletter for January 13, 2016 – Special Legislative Update

January 13, 2016 SPECIAL STATE LEGISLATIVE EDITION Jessica Gauger, State Legislative Advocate CASA State Legislative Advocate Jessica Gauger gives us a glimpse into the activities taking place in our State Capitol. 2016 Legislation Session Commences January 4 marked the start of the 2016 legislative session with legislators returning to Sacramento after a three month hiatus […]

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First Annual California Boating Congress on March 8, 2016

Please join us for the first annual “California Boating Congress.” This is the first year of an annual event where the marine industry and boating community come to Sacramento to advocate on issues of importance. There will be industry and government leaders speaking in the morning and participants will have the chance to meet with […]

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Materials for WETA Board Meeting on January 14, 2016

  WETA Board Meeting Thursday, January 14 Hello, The following attachments to the Thursday, January 14, 2016 WETA Board of Directors agenda are now available for download: Item 7A: Draft FY 2015-16 to FY 2024-25 Short Range Transit Plan Item 8A: Draft WETA Strategic Plan These attachments (along with the January 14 meeting agenda and […]

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Opportunity to Comment on SWRCB Settlement Agreements and Proposed Orders

This is a message from the State Water Resources Control Board: Below are links to view five separate Settlement Agreement and Proposed Order that the State Water Resources Control Board is accepting written comments on.  They are as follows:   Vic’s Unocal Site – 1900 New York Drive E, Altadena, CA – Cleanup Fund Claim #17792 […]

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