The SFBJV Bulletin – September 2, 2020

  • Member News
  • by BPC Staff
  • on September 2, 2020

Thinking Clearly in Smoky Skies


Our hearts and minds are with all our SFBJV partners who have been impacted by the devastating fires burning all around the Bay Area this past week. We also want to call attention to a few staff from Point Blue Conservation Science who were somehow still able to think clearly in the midst of it all, despite the choking, smoke-filled skies.


As the town of Bolinas prepared to evacuate and roads were closed, three biologists and five seasonal interns worked together to protect volumes of irreplaceable, hand written journals documenting bird activity in the region since 1966. Without these records, countless hours in the field and information on hundreds of birds not yet digitized would have disappeared. Fortunately the Palomarin Field Station did not burn, but the Woodward Fire in Point Reyes is still only 25% contained. You can keep current with the situation on their blog, check out the story that ran on ABC News, or read more about their heroic efforts in this Bay Nature Magazine article.

Is it time for you to attend a Conservation Delivery Committee Meeting?

Are you interested in learning more about pressing conservation issues in the Bay Area? Do you want to participate in discussions about how to increase wildlife habitat in wetland restoration projects? If so, you might consider attending an upcoming meeting of the Conservation Delivery Committee (CDC). Led by Caitlin Sweeney, Director of the SF Estuary Partnership, the CDC brings together a community that designs, regulates, studies, and implements conservation projects, manages land, and conducts wildlife monitoring and research throughout the Bay Area.


CDC meetings provide a forum to discuss project design and objectives, learn about innovations and emerging research, and consider impediments to conservation action as well as their solutions. We invite you to attend our next CDC meeting September 23, from 10 am – noon. Learn more about the Adaptation Atlas from Julie Beagle (San Francisco Estuary Institute), hear an update on the Wetlands Regional Monitoring Program (WRMP) and Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) from Christina Toms (San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board), and discuss the Terminal Four Wharf, Warehouse, and Pile Removal Project with Marilyn Latta (State Coastal Conservancy). To sign up for the CDC mailing list, or if you have any questions, email our Conservation Program Coordinator, Ariana Rickard –



By September 10

The Program awards grant funding on a competitive basis to projects representing the mission of the WCB and address the three goals of the California Water Action Plan: reliability, restoration, and resilience.


By September 14

The priority issue area for this round of Proposition 68 funding is coastal resiliency and nature-based adaptation strategies to sea level rise impacts.


By September 15

The primary goal of the Program is to improve watershed areas and related groundwater sustainability by supporting local watershed and groundwater improvement efforts.


By September 30

The PFW Program provides direct technical and financial assistance in the form of cooperative and grant agreements to private landowners to restore and conserve fish and wildlife habitat for the benefit of federal trust resources.


By October 1

The Fund provides small grants for North American campaigns to save native species and wild ecosystems, with particular emphasis on actions designed to defend threatened wilderness and biological diversity.


By October 15

Projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetlands-associated migratory birds. Partners are encouraged to coordinate with the SFBJV Coordinator, Sandra Scoggin, if considering applying.


By October 23

The Authority can fund proposals that are 1) habitat projects that aim to restore, protect, or enhance natural habitats on the shoreline in the San Francisco Bay Area; 2) flood management projects that are part of habitat projects; or 3) public access projects that will provide or improve access or recreational amenities that are part of habitat projects.


Ongoing Grants and other grants with deadlines further out in the year may be found on our website.


JOBS with deadlines


Bird Banding Research Biologist – Klamath Bird Observatory, Sept. 4


Field Technician – Klamath Bird Observatory, Sept. 4


Biologists – Fort Collins Science Center, Sept. 7


Director of Parks and Recreation – City of Tucson, AZ, Sept. 14


Restoration Field Manager – Solano Resource Conservation District, Sept. 25

JOBS with no deadlines



Regulatory Specialist – HELIX Environmental Planning


Restoration Engineers (Senior and Midlevel) – WRA, Inc




Program Educator(s) – Solano Resource Conservation District

News, Upcoming Deadlines & Announcements


·     The future of California’s water wars – SF Chronicle


·     Some California cities think they’re safe from sea level rise. They’re not, new data show – LA Times


·     Court Overturns Administration Efforts to Weaken the Migratory Bird Treaty Act


·     In case you missed it, you can listen to a recording of last week’s webinar – Social Science Perspectives on Ethno-racial Diversity in Wildlife Viewing and Conservation – here.


·     San Francisco Planning Department will host a virtual EIR public scoping meeting on September 9th, 2020 regarding the Port of San Francisco’s Waterfront Plan Project with details about the CEQA environmental review process.


·     A major study in Nature, “Neonicotinoids and decline in bird biodiversity in the United States has just found that the massive loss of North American birds is due in part to the growing use of poorly regulated pesticides.


·     Contra Costa County (CCC) Internal Operations Committee of the Board of Supervisors is accepting applications to fill two At-Large Member Seats and one At-Large Alternate member seat on the CCC Fish & Wildlife Committee through October 2.

September Events – we have more on our events page


·     California Coastal Clean up MONTH – this year’s coastal clean up will be happening every Saturday in September.


·     Urban Wildlife Conservation Program is hosting a webinar on Sept 10 called: Co-Designing Conservation WITH (not for) the Community. Register here.


·     2020 National Coastal and Estuarine Summit – this year the Summit will be a highly interactive, state of the art, virtual opportunity to network with colleagues, share lessons learned, and hear from experts on the latest in coastal restoration and management. September 28-30. Register here.