Featured Member: Weiss Associates

  • by BPC Staff
  • on September 7, 2018

Weiss Associates is a certified California small business with a 38-year history of providing premier site investigation, remediation, and regulatory compliance services to many high-profile clients in the greater Bay Area. It all started in 1980 when our founder Richard Weiss, who was a Ph.D candidate in engineering geology at Stanford at the time, began submitting the type of rigorous, science-based reports that caught the attention – and trust – of regulators who were just beginning to set environmental standards. As the Weiss team grew, so did its reputation for providing innovative solutions to highly complex environmental problems, including radiological contamination. The four current Weiss principals have been part of the team for decades, and are actively involved in projects on a daily basis to ensure that best value options are available to our clients, which include local ports and municipalities as well as high-profile Fortune 100 companies, universities, and Department of Energy-sponsored national laboratories. Our geologists and engineers endeavor to be part of the solution that helps protect environmental quality for everyone, and to that end we value our association with the Bay Planning Coalition and our clients and partners. For more information, visit us at http://www.weiss.com/.


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