Renowned Environmental Leader Chad Pregracke to Speak at CASA Annual Conference
Chad Pregracke, 2013 CNN “Hero of the Year,” will be the keynote speaker at the CASA Annual Conference in Monterey August 8-10. Chad is the founder of Living Lands and Waters, a group dedicated to river cleanups, watershed conservation initiatives, workshops and other key conservation efforts within the Mississippi River watershed. Chad has been recognized by former President George W. Bush as a national “Point of Light” and kickstarted a movement that has helped to restore one of America’s greatest icons, the Mississippi River.
With the recent focus in California on microplastic pollution and ocean litter prevention, Chad can share some unique insights about innovative ways to address complex environmental problems. Register for the conference and make sure to catch Chad’s inspiring talk on Thursday morning!
Need Ethics Training? Find Options Here
The current law governing ethics training for local public officials (commonly known as AB 1234 training) requires covered officials to take two hours of training in ethics principles and laws every two years. This year, as an alternative to offering a multi-hour session during the annual conference, we are providing a list of outside resources that our members can access to complete the required training.
Legislative and Regulatory
CASA Comments on San Diego Regional Board Exfiltration Investigative Order
CASA recently submitted comments to the San Diego Regional Water Board in response to a draft Investigative Order that would require the submittal of technical and monitoring reports to quantify sources and pathways of human fecal material to the San Diego River watershed. The Investigative Order would require area agencies to expend significant resources investigating sources of HFM without any demonstration of a nexus between an impairment and sanitary sewer exfiltration.
Help us Welcome Our New Legislative and Regulatory Analyst
We are pleased to welcome new staff member Jared Voskuhl to the CASA team! Jared will serve as the Legislative and Regulatory Analyst for the association and will assist the Director of Legislative Affairs and Director of Operations with a variety of programs and projects. He formerly worked for a trade association and local public agency in the water field and served as president of the National Association of Graduate-Professional Students. Jared received his master’s degree from Northwestern University and his Juris Doctor from UC Davis School of Law. We are excited to have him on board. Look for Jared at the annual conference in Monterey!
Please Help! Participate in Important “Cost of Wipes” Study
CASA is committed to addressing issues associated with non-flushable products including wipes improperly labeled, “flushable.” We are collaborating with several associations on a study entitled, “The Cost of Wipes on Clean Water Infrastructure: A National Assessment.” We know that wipes are a significant problem for many utilities. We need a more accurate, defensible estimate of costs to support our advocacy work on wipes, especially when discussing potential state or local legislation with lawmakers. CASA and other organizations need the help of both collections and treatment agencies in volunteering for this study.
New Water Workforce Report Sheds Light on Economic Opportunities
Brookings recently released a report “Renewing the Water Workforce” which highlights the sizable opportunities in working in the water industry. An aging workforce combined with amount of water infrastructure in urgent need of repair is creating a high demand for a skilled workforce. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, a CASA member agency, assisted with the study design and advised Brookings throughout the research process.
Collectively, the water workforce fills 212 different occupations from positions in the skilled trades like electricians and technicians to financial, administrative and management positions that are found all across the country. Read more here.
Welcome New Members
- GeoEnvironment Technologies
- SUEZ Water Technologies & Solutions
Register for Asset Management Workshops
Asset management can play a key role in effective and efficient facility performance and work management. Learn from experts in the field about the tools and resources available to wastewater utilities, how to get started and hear successful case studies. We are offering the one-day workshops at two locations: September 17 in Chino at Inland Empire Utilities Agency and September 18 in Martinez at Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Review the preliminary program outline and register here.