Members of BPC’s Dredging & Beneficial Reuse Committee had the special opportunity to discuss the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) Draft Strategic Placement Framework Report with Corps staff on June 4. Craig Conner (Long Term Management Strategy Program Manager and Flood Risk Manager, San Francisco District) and Thomas Williams (Deputy District Engineer for Project Management, San Francisco District) joined us at the June 4 committee meeting to provide information on the study, which looks at the strategic placement of dredged sediment to better understand the effectiveness and ecological impacts of different placement methods. Shallow water placement and water column seeding are two examples of placement methods. While the study is still in the research phase, results may help future efforts for tidal marsh restoration and management in San Francisco Bay as we face a diminished sediment supply and uncertainty about natural sediment accretion rates. BPC thanks Mr. Conner and Mr. Williams for sharing information about the project and answering questions from committee members.
Click here to learn about the San Francisco Bay Long Term Management Strategy (LTMS), which includes the Strategic Placement Framework study.
Tags: army corps of engineers, Bay Area, San Francisco Bay, USACE