In a letter submitted to the California State Coastal Conservancy on June 5, BPC provided comments in support of the South Bay Salt Pond (SBSP) Restoration Project Phase 2 Environmental Impact Statement/Report (EIS/EIR) for the Eden Landing Ecological Reserve (ELER). Among other things, Phase 2 would incrementally advance the 50-year plan to convert up to 90% of the former salt ponds to tidal marsh. In particular, BPC encourages the opportunity to beneficially reuse dredged sediment to achieve restoration goals and aid flood risk management. Appendix E of the draft EIS/EIR describes proposed construction design concepts for alternatives beneficially reusing dredged sediment. BPC fully endorses Phase 2 of this project for the ELER and looks forward to the final certified environmental document.
Click here to see the letter.
Tags: coastal conservancy, eden landing, south bay salt pond