- Water Deeply: Recycled Wastewater Now Flowing to San Joaquin Valley Farms, Wildlife
- Los Angeles Times: California will have water consumption limits for the first time after ‘landmark’ legislation passed
- Ryan Sabalow and Dale Kasler: These fish are at the heart of California’s water debate. But extinction could be close
- Chico Enterprise-Record: Editorial: Hits and misses
- Sacramento Bee: 360,000 across California are drinking unsafe water – are you among them?
- Sacramento Bee: Opinion: Too many lack safe drinking water; modest fee would fix that
- Orange County Register: Opinion: Finding the right water fixes for Orange County
- Weather Network: Southwest drought worsens as hot June weather arrives
- NBC Los Angeles: Scientists Debate Whether Superstorms Have Link to Global Warming
- Los Angeles Times: With water supply drastically reduced, San Pedro farm sees its ‘old country’ crops wither
- Lake Tahoe News: Challenge to prevent Sierra forest fire catastrophe
- CNN: Thousands of acres ablaze in Colorado, New Mexico and California
- RTO Insider: Calif. Senate OKs Utility Wildfire Cost Recovery
- TIME: The Lesson of How One California Home Survived Last Year’s Historic Wildfires
- EcoWatch: California Wildfire Risk Grows as Cloud Cover Is ‘Plummeting’
- Maven’s Notebook: SAN JOAQUIN RIVER RESTORATION PGM: Field Activity Advisory Adult Spring-Run Chinook
- Los Angeles Times: The Big One could leave 250,000-400,000 quake refugees in California. Where will they go?
- Maven’s Notebook: Notice of immediate curtailment for water right holders in Central Valley and the Delta with Term 91 as a condition of their permit or license
- Maven’s Notebook: ANNOUNCEMENT: DWR releases draft guidelines for Prop 1 grants for multi-benefit flood reduction projects
- Maven’s Notebook: ANNOUNCEMENT: Delta Conservancy releases draft Cycle 4 Proposition 1 Grant Guidelines for ecosystem restoration and water quality improvements