une 2018 RAWG Update: Horizon Futures Shortlist, Applying the Guiding Principles and More

June 2018 RAWG Update: Horizon Futures Shortlist, Applying the Guiding Principles and More
A Sonoma Mountain vineyard, with the Mayacamas Mountains in the background
A Sonoma Mountain vineyard, with the Mayacamas Mountains in the background. (Photo: CC-BY-SA-3.0 via Wikimedia Commons)
Month in Review
At the RAWG meeting on May 1, planning staff summarized all of the comments received on the preliminary Guiding Principles for Horizon and discussed revisions that have been made to the Guiding Principles in response. Staff shared outcomes from the April Horizon Peer Exchange, including the 11 futures that were created at this event. Staff asked RAWG members to weigh in on the 11 alternative futures via an online survey. Staff also hosted a webinar to provide more detail on each future.
Planners also gave an overview of the proposed Project Performance Assessment process for Horizon and Plan Bay Area 2050 and asked for input on the proposed changes to this process from the Plan Bay Area 2040 framework.
Finally, in non-Horizon news, staff offered a brief update on the ongoing deliberations with Caltrans on the 2020 and 2022 Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Performance Targets.
Happening in June
Of special note: This month’s RAWG meeting will take place on Thursday, June 7, from 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. instead of Tuesday, June 5.
Three items are on the agenda for the June 7 RAWG meeting. First, staff will lead a discussion on how Horizon’s Guiding Principles should be applied to projects in the Project Performance Assessment, the prioritization of policies in the Perspective Papers, and the selection of metrics and strategies for each future evaluated through the Horizon process. Staff is especially interested in receiving input from RAWG members regarding how to best integrate Guiding Principles into the Project Performance Assessment. Benefit-cost analysis – the primary aspect of the Project Performance Assessment – will be a focus of a future RAWG meeting later this summer.
Staff also will preview the proposed shortlist of futures to be analyzed in the Horizon process. Leveraging the 11 futures developed by teams of stakeholders at the April Horizon Peer Exchange – and stakeholder input on the futures selection process in May – staff has developed a proposed shortlist of three futures to study in the Horizon process. Staff is looking for RAWG members to weigh in on whether these three futures are the most appropriate to select to achieve the goals of the Horizon process and if any changes should be made to the futures before they are finalized in early July.
Finally, staff will offer a preview of the first Horizon Perspective Paper, which will focus on autonomous vehicles. This paper, the first in a series that will contribute to Horizon, is scheduled to be released in late June at an event at the Bay Area Metro Center.
How to Get Involved
  • Attend the June 7, 2018 RAWG meeting and offer input on this stage of the Horizon. Can’t attend the meeting? Watch it live via the MTC website: mtc.ca.gov/whats-happening/meetings/live-webcasts.
  • Attend the first “Expand Your Horizon: Talks on the Future of the Bay Area” event on June 26, 2018, at the Bay Area Metro Center, where the autonomous vehicles Perspective Paper will be released. Watch for an invitation in your inbox in the coming weeks!
  • Sign up for the Horizon mailing list. Receive email updates about the initiative. mtc.ca.gov/sign-horizon
  • Subscribe to The Bay Link blog. Receive a weekly email for the latest news, views and analysis from MTC and ABAG. blog.bayareametro.gov
For more information on these efforts, please contact Dave Vautin at dvautin@bayareametro.gov.
We look forward to your input on these items at the next RAWG meeting. See you on Thursday, June 7!


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