Event Announcement – Save the Date
Part of the California Resiliency Alliance’s mission is information sharing. Based on the industry, topic, and geographic areas of interest you listed on your CRA member profile, this upcoming event might be of interest to you.
2018 Public/Private Sector Regional Workshop and Conference
FEMA Region IX and DHS-Office of Infrastructure Protection, Region IX
FEMA Region IX, and this year’s new co-host, DHS-Office of Infrastructure Protection, Region IX, are both pleased to announce that the 2018 Public/Private Sector Regional Workshop and Conference is returning to California this year on August 28th (Tuesday), 29th (Wednesday) and 30th (Thursday) again at the Ronald Dellums Federal Complex(one block away from FEMA’s Regional headquarters in Oakland) at 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California, 94612, where the event originally started five years ago.
The emphasis for this year’s event will be lessons learned from the disasters late last year and early this year across the U.S. Many of you have expressed a strong desire that this event return to California and the opportunity to share your experiences and learn from those who were deployed to multiple States to support response and recovery efforts. Much of the final agenda and presenters will be developed by the organizing committee – which is now being formed. If you would like to participate in the event planning as part of the organizing committee to represent your sector, let us know immediately via email or by phone.
The emphasis for this year’s event will be lessons learned from the disasters late last year and early this year across the U.S. Many of you have expressed a strong desire that this event return to California and the opportunity to share your experiences and learn from those who were deployed to multiple States to support response and recovery efforts. Much of the final agenda and presenters will be developed by the organizing committee – which is now being formed. If you would like to participate in the event planning as part of the organizing committee to represent your sector, let us know immediately via email or by phone.
Date: August 28 – 30, 2018
Location: Ronald Dellums Federal Complex, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, California, 94612
Venue seating is limited to 200 attendees so make a note of the dates and let us know if you are planning to attend by pre-registering at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2018-femadhs-publicprivate-regional-workshopconference-tickets-45729740886
Attendance is FREE.
Organizer Contact Information:
Michael Cummings, 2018 Co-Chair, FEMA, Region IX, Email: michael.cummings@fema.dhs.gov Phone: (510) 541-1521
Jesse Rangle, 2018 Co-Chair, DHS-IP, Region IX, Email: jesse.rangle@hq.dhs.gov Phone: (650) 329-4106
Jesse Rangle, 2018 Co-Chair, DHS-IP, Region IX, Email: jesse.rangle@hq.dhs.gov Phone: (650) 329-4106
Tags: california resiliency alliance, disaster response, disasters