2018 Bay Delta Science Conference – Call for Abstracts
Abstract Deadline Extended to April 24, 2018
September 10-12, 2018
Sacramento Convention Center
1400 J Street, Sacramento, California
The Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference is a forum for presenting technical analyses and results relevant to the Delta Science Program’s mission to provide the best possible, unbiased, science-based information for water and environmental decision-making in the Bay-Delta system. The goal of the conference is to offer new information and syntheses to the broad community of scientists, engineers, resource managers, and stakeholders working on Bay-Delta issues. The organizers of this 10th Science Conference are seeking oral and poster presentations that support this goal. The abstract deadline has been extended to will be due April 24, 2018.
In addition to the call for abstracts, please note the following important components of the conference:
Key Links
Conference Web Site: http://scienceconf2018.deltacouncil.ca.gov/
Conference Web Site: http://scienceconf2018.deltacouncil.ca.gov/
Call for Abstracts PDF: http://scienceconf2018.deltacouncil.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2018-1-22-Call-for-Abstracts.pdf
Call for Abstracts Web Page: http://scienceconf2018.deltacouncil.ca.gov/content/call-abstracts
Topic Sessions: http://scienceconf2018.deltacouncil.ca.gov/content/topics
Brown-Nichols Science Award: http://scienceconf2018.deltacouncil.ca.gov/content/brown-nichols-science-award
Tags: bay-delta science conference