ESA is busy delivering ongoing work around the San Francisco Bay:
ESA distinguishes itself from other environmental consulting firms through the establishment of ESA Airports, a dedicated aviation consulting practice within ESA that serves airports nationwide. ESA’s airport planning practice has developed CEQA documentation and provided other environmental services to more than 50 California airport clients for over four decades, and has worked on projects at SFO almost continuously since the late 1980s, when ESA began preparing the EIR for the 1989 Airport Master Plan. Following on that success, ESA has executed a varied range of environmental projects for SFO and is currently working on a complex EIR for SFO’s next long term masterplan—the Recommended Airport Development Plan—that will support the strategic development of the airport over the next two decades.
ESA is currently assisting the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District with Environmental Compliance Monitoring Services of the construction activities during construction of the Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System and Wind Retrofit Project. ESA’s work has included field inspections of the construction sites adjacent to the Golden Gate Bridge to ensure compliance with a variety of project permits and plans, including stormwater management, public access, and protection of the Mission blue butterfly habitat.
Tags: Environmental Science Associates, ESA, featured member