Resilient By Design Bay Area Challenge Launches, Seeks Site Ideas
Resilient by Design | Bay Area Challenge is a collaborative research and design project that will include local residents, public officials and experts working to develop innovative solutions for the issues brought on by climate change. Teams of engineers, architects, designers and other experts will work alongside community members to identify critical areas throughout the Bay Area and propose community-based solutions to strengthen our region’s resilience to sea level rise, severe storms, flooding, and earthquakes.
Resilient by Design is currently hosting an open call for ideas to identify sites vulnerable to the impacts climate change. Through July 14, 2017, the challenge is asking local residents, community leaders and organizations to submit site ideas. These ideas will shape a collaborative research process where design experts will work with communities to identify areas where they can most effectively collaborate to create new, creative and implementable design solutions that protect the Bay Area’s most vulnerable shoreline communities from sea-level rise and increasingly severe storms and flooding — while also addressing critical issues such as disparities in housing, income and access to open space. If you would like to get involved with the challenge or submit a site idea, visit the Resilient by Design website at
BCDC Sea Level Rise and Bay Fill Policies Workshop #9
On June 15 at 1:30PM BCDC will hold the ninth workshop in it’s rising sea level workshop series. The upcoming workshop focuses on four priority areas – social equity and environmental justice; fill for habitat projects; mitigation in the face of sea level rise; and beneficial use of sediment and the proposed steps for implementing changes to the Commission’s existing laws, policies and regulations. The Commission staff will summarize the findings of Workshop 8 and the status of Commission’s other actions addressing sea level rise, including the Regional Adaptation Plan/Framework, the Adapting to Rising Tides Program, financing and public education and outreach. The Commission, staff and other participants will then discuss the four priority issues and how to implement changes to the Commission’s existing laws, policies and regulations to address these priority issues.
The full agenda is available: here.
Thursday, June 15, 2017
1:30 P.M.
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
Yerba Buena Room, First Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
Yerba Buena Room, First Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
BCDC Financing the Future Working Group Materials Available
BCDC’s Financing the Future Working Group, made up of commissioners, public and private finance professionals, and other experts, has held four meetings to discuss innovative financing options for addressing Sea Level Rise. The meetings have covered varied topics from the Melo-Roos Law, to international financing and adaptation strategies, and many more. Presentations, meeting minutes and other materials are available at: Financing the Future Working Group Meetings are typically held the first Thursday of each month 10:30 AM-12:30PM at 375 Beale St, San Francisco. However due to the July 4th holiday the next meeting will be:
Thursday, July 20
Bay Area Metro Center
375 Beale Street
Ohlone Room, First Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
375 Beale Street
Ohlone Room, First Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
Stay Up to Date on the ART Bay Area Regional Project
The ART Bay Area Project addresses the immediate need to improve regional understanding of threats posed by climate change and sea level rise in the Bay Area and opportunities to respond with appropriate adaptation strategies. As this project progresses we will send updates, we also encourage you to learn more about the project and see updates on our progress here: