Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Control Program
Department of Parks and Recreation
Division of Boating and Waterways
Egeria densa, Curlyleaf pondweed, Fanwort,
Eurasian watermilfoil, Coontail
Treatment for May 29 thru June 2, 2017
Herbicide treatment of invasive submersed aquatic vegetation began on March 1, 2017, the earliest date the program is permitted to start in various areas of the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. For more information see the Public Notices.
“Treatment sites and schedules are subject to change based on regulatory requirements, weather conditions, plant growth and movement, waterway traffic, listed fish presence surveys, and other conditions.”
- Applications will be conducted during the hours of 7am to 4pm weekly, Monday thru Friday.
- Herbicide applications during the time frame will utilize Fluridone (Sonar) only.
8 -Atherton Cove
8 -Duraflame
10 -Buckley Cove
14 -Headreach Island
18a -Korth’s Pirate Lair
18a -Perry’s Boat Harbor
18a -Willow Berm
26 -Fourteenmile Slough
30 Mosher Slough
31 -Pixley Slough
32 -Dissapointment Slough
34 -Bishop Cut
36 -White Slough Upland
37 -White Slough
38 -Honker Slough
79 -Rivers End
87a -Italian Slough
87b -Italian Slough
87b -Kings Island
88 -Italian Slough
92b -Old River-Diablo
93 -Discovery Bay
107 -Piper Slough
108 -Sandmound Slough
109 -Sandmound Slough
110 -Taylor Slough
111 -Taylor Slough
117 -Big Break Marina
140 -Delta Marina Rio Vista
171 -Delta Coves
173 -Franks Tract
174 -Franks Tract
175 -Franks Tract
209a -B & W Resort
214 -The Meadows
216 -The Meadows
240b -Viera Resort East
250b -Sacramento Marina
252a -Snug Harbor
252b -Hogback
272 -French Island
284 -Barker Slough
284 -Lindsey Slough