- San Francisco Chronicle: How BART strike ban could be key to big transportation package
- San Francisco Chronicle: SF streets precarious for pedestrians
- East Bay Times: BART commuters receive unpleasant surprise at new Warm Springs station
- East Bay Times: Borenstein: Gov. Brown struggling for roads tax votes
- Mercury News: Roadshow: Open cans can get drivers in trouble, even during Lent
- Mercury News: Roadshow: Pothole-weary drivers willing to fork over more in gas taxes
- Mercury News: Horgan: The fix at Poplar/101 is only a half-cure at this point.
- Santa Rosa Press Democrat: Santa Rosa designates Oakmont bypass path a city trail
- Napa Valley Register: Cyclists tour Napa Valley roads to boost Vine Trail’s completion
- Napa Valley Register: South Napa County boasts old Lincoln Highway route
- Pleasanton Weekly: MTC: Testing signs for I-680 express lanes ahead of summer opening
- Berkeleyside: T1 Bond funding for Lower University Ave. blocked by landmark designation
- San Francisco Examiner: Transit officials reconsider ‘watered down’ Turk Street bike lane
- San Francisco Examiner: New ‘Lyft Shuttle’ service may be direct competitor to Muni
- KRON: Poll: 83 percent of Bay Area residents believe a traffic emergency should be declared
- Sacramento Bee: Lobbying ramps up on tax increase, road repair package
- Sacramento Bee: Sacramento spinning its wheels on bike lanes
- New York Times: How Uber Uses Psychological Tricks to Push Its Drivers’ Buttons
- Wall Street Journal: U.S. Ports Forge Alliances to Keep Their Spots on Trade Map