- New York Times: No Longer a Dream: Silicon Valley Takes On the Flying Car
- San Francisco Chronicle: Silicon Valley takes on the flying car
- East Bay Times: Uber’s ‘flying cars’ set to land in Dallas by 2020
- San Francisco Chronicle: California lets Apple test self-driving cars
- Wall Street Journal: Amazon Forms Team to Focus on Driverless Technology
- Washington Post: Why Amazon’s use of self-driving technology would be a game changer
- Washington Post: FCA, Google begin offering rides in self-driving cars
- Mercury News: Roadshow: Could self-driving cars get their own lane to San Jose Airport?
- San Francisco Chronicle: BART takeover robbery: 40 to 60 teens swarm train, hold up riders
- San Francisco Chronicle: BART says ‘our hearts go out’ to victims of teen swarm robbery
- San Francisco Chronicle: Study calls on big tech companies to move closer to transit
- San Francisco Chronicle: Lee turns to old hand to teach SF transit agency new tricks
- SF Bay: SFMTA considers canning cable car cash fares
- East Bay Times: Editorial: Speed kills, and San Jose and San Francisco need the state’s permission to do something about it
- Mercury News: Gas tax hike not enough to fix California’s roads, group says
- Mercury News: SFO flight delays, cancellations could continue as airport revamps runway
- Sacramento Bee: Republicans howl as lawmakers jam through deals linked to gas tax, fee increases
- Beaumont Enterprise: Sightseeing via the new SMART train
- New York Times: Amtrak at a Junction: Invest in Improvements, or Risk Worsening Problems