CASA Connects April 17, 2017

Please forward this newsletter to anyone who may be interested.                             April 17, 2017

CASA Urges Air Board to Remove Barriers to Biogas Production

In comments submitted to the California Air Resources Board, CASA asked for assistance in eliminating unreasonable local air permit limits that conflict with the state’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction goals. In a letter on the draft 2017 Climate Change Scoping Plan, we focused on the need to ensure that projects that will reduce GHG emissions are not hampered by over estimates of pollutant loads. We also emphasized the importance of biosolids recycling and the need to eliminate restrictive local ordinances.

April 14th has Come and Gone-But There’s Still Time!

Good news for those who missed an important April deadline–the date to apply for a CASA Award of Excellence. You still have a chance to get the recognition you’ve earned. We’ve extended the deadline for applications to Friday, April 28.
There are many great reasons to apply.  Respect.  Credibility. Employee engagement. Award recipients will be announced at the CASA annual conference in August, and may be featured in conference programs, highlighted in CASA newsletters, social media and other communications, through press releases, and showcased on our website.  Apply now!

Technology and Energy Efficiency Highlight Denmark Visit

Last month, a group of CASA members toured Danish treatment plants to share successes and challenges.  Participants gained valuable insights into innovative technologies and energy efficient practices.  The Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsored the trip.  To learn more about the experience and see photos, read the article by guest contributor Henriette B. Kingman.

Regulatory Hot Topics Brought to You by CASA

CASA is once again sponsoring two sessions at the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) Annual Conference to be held in Palm Springs on April 25-28. On Thursday afternoon, April 27, we will focus on regulatory hot topics and give attendees a picture of key regulatory proposals. Speakers include the co-chair of CASA’s regulatory workgroup, Jackie Zipkin from East Bay Municipal Utility District, the co-chair of CASA’s land group and Tom Meregillano of Orange County Sanitation District, as well as CASA staff.

A second session will be a “deep dive” discussion in an interactive, roundtable format. [ more…]

Spread the Word-CASA Education Foundation Scholarships Available

Eligible students have until April 28 to apply for one of the $5,000 scholarships being offered in 2017 by the CASA Education Foundation.  If you know a college student in engineering, environmental science or other fields related to clean water, share this opportunity with them. Applicants must be California residents and attending an accredited college or university located in California.

Mixed Bag

  • Congratulations to CASA Past President Kevin Hardy who has been namedExecutive Director of the National Water Research Institute, a nonprofit organization focused on supporting innovative scientific research and activities to improve the quality of our water supplies and increase available sources of water. “Kevin is a great fit for NWRI,” said James Ferryman, President of the NWRI Board of Directors.  “He is a successful strategic planner and he is very personable, both of which are traits essential for leading an organization as collaborative as NWRI.”  

  • Five state agencies, including the Water Board and DWR, have released a long-term plan to better prepare the state for future droughts and “make conservation a California way of life.” Building on the successes and lessons learned from California’s five-year drought, the plan establishes a framework for long-term efficient water use that reflects the state’s diverse climate, landscape and demographic conditions. Read more.
  • Water technology is the subject of an April 26 webinar being offered by the Israeli economic mission to the west coast. For more information andregistration.
Now Hiring!
CASA members have numerous opportunities available. Visit our Job Board for details. 

Member News

The Freshwater Trust and the City of Santa Rosa are working together quantify the impacts of restoration in the Laguna de Santa Rosa and upstream waterways. The Laguna’s 14-mile wetland complex is listed as impaired under the Clean Water Act. The project goals are to reduce phosphorus, sediment, mercury and bacteria from entering the wetland. Read more.


2017 Dates
April 19 CASA/WateReuse
 Public Policy Forum
April 25-28 CWEA  Annual Conference Palm Springs
May 16-17 CSDA  Legislative Days Sacramento
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