- San Francisco Chronicle: Historic photos capture evolution of the SF Muni bus
- East Bay Times: West Contra Costa studying I-80 corridor gridlock solutions
- Mercury News: Roadshow: Does anyone still drive to relax?
- Mercury News: Big Sur bridge set to open Jan. 1, connecting broken link along Highway 1
- Mercury News: Opinion: How to get more people riding the bikes we love
- Napa Valley Register: Four Napa neighborhoods next in line for road work
- SF Bay: Low ridership imperils BART late-night weekend bus service
- Berkeleyside: Possibilities for Adeline Corridor include BART underground, public park
- Washington Post: America’s infrastructure is so bad, gravel roads are making a comeback
- Washington Post: Self-driving car crash comes amid debate about regulations
- Politico: Trump FY17 ask would ax TIGER, slash FTA