In January, BPC signed a joint letter (with four other organizations) to Senators Feinstein and Harris and Representatives Denham and Garamendi regarding the implementation of the recently signed Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act (WIIN, or WRDA 2016). On February 9 the same coalition of Bay Planning Coalition, the Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC), the California State Coastal Conservancy, Save the Bay and The Bay Institute sent a joint letter to top officials at the Department of the Army and the Army Corps of Engineers directly asking that they include the San Francisco Bay as a test site in the beneficial reuse pilot program required by the Act. Additionally, BPC CEO John Coleman is in Washington, DC this week, where he will be discussing these efforts in several meetings. Click here to read a copy of the joint letter sent on February 9th.
Tags: Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, WIIN, WRDA