Pacific Maritime Magazine Online for February 14, 2017



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Fake News


By Chris Philips, Managing Editor 
A news story in the Washington Post in mid-December detailed the efforts some scientists are making to ensure that “crucial climate measurements” don’t disappear under a “hostile” Trump administration.

The story went on to describe how these researchers with advanced degrees were holding events to copy data from government servers to private servers in a process they described as “guerilla archiving.” The irony of moving public data to private servers in order to protect the data was apparently lost on these erstwhile scientists….
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Have a news tip to share? Send an email to Mark Edward Nero

Story1All American Marine Wins Hybrid Vessel Contract
By Mark Edward Nero

Bellingham, Wash.-based All American Marine said Feb. 13 that it has inked a deal for the construction of a new hybrid electric passenger vessel to be delivered to Red and White Fleet, a San Francisco-based boat tour and sightseeing company…(Read full article)

Story2POLB Container Traffic Surges in January
By Mark Edward Nero

A months-long container traffic slump at the Port of Long Beach could be close to being over…(Read full article)

Story3Pier 4 Pile Driving to Continue Throughout February
By Mark Edward Nero

Contractors have received permission from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the US Army Corps of Engineers to continue driving piles for Pier 4 in the Tacoma Tideflats through Feb. 28 as part of an ongoing pier reconfiguration project… (Read full article)

Story4Port of Oakland Celebrates 90th Anniversary
By Mark Edward Nero

The City of Oakland celebrated Port of Oakland Day on Sunday, Feb. 12 in recognition of the 90th anniversary of the port’s creation, Feb. 12, 1927… (Read full article)

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