As SFGate reported this week, the Bay Area’s crumbling roads have been ranked as the worst of any urban region in the nation by Washington, D.C.-based transportation research group Think.
According to Think’s study, “Bumpy Roads Ahead: America’s Roughest Rides and Strategies to Make our Roads Smoother,” 71% of the roads in the San Francisco – Oakland region are in poor condition. The Los Angeles – Long Beach – Santa Ana region is second on the list, with 60% of its roads in poor condition, followed by the San Jose region at 59%.
The study also reveals that drivers in the San Francisco – Oakland region pay an annual average of $978 for additional vehicle maintenance as a result of roads in poor, mediocre and fair condition.
Bay Planning Coalition is actively concerned about the condition of our region’s infrastructure, particularly as it becomes clear that its condition in worsening. Effective and efficient goods movement is critically important to our members and the health of our region’s economy and more needs to be done to address issues like crumbling roads and highways.
As later sections of Trip’s study point out, sufficient federal funding is critical to improving and protecting our roads, bridges and overpasses for continued use. Bay Planning Coalition will continue to advocate for additional funding at the federal level as well as at the state level and transportation will remain a key focus of our Legislative & Policy and Water, Energy & Infrastructure Committees. For information about how to become involved in this advocacy please contact us.
Tags: Bay Area, infrastructure, roads, transportation