- Morning Consult: Union Official Blasts Administration for Blocking Dakota Access Pipeline
- Bloomberg News: IEA Changes View on Oil Glut, Sees Surplus Enduring in 2017
- Reuters: U.S. Shale Output Drop Seen for 11th Straight Month in October: EIA
- Houston Chronicle: General Electric Shutting East Houston Manufacturing Operations
- The New York Times: Saudi Bid on a Houston Oil Refinery Is a Big Strategic Bet
- Washington Examiner: Arctic Group Counters Activists’ Attack on Offshore Drilling
- Houston Chronicle: 135 Oil Companies Are on Edge of Bankruptcy. So Why Is That Good News?
- Reuters: Oil falls after IEA report adds to outlook gloom
- Bloomberg News: Bitcoin Technology Harnessed to Push Electricity Revolution
- The Washington Post: Wind Power is Going to Get a Lot Cheaper as Wind Turbines Get Even More Enormous
- The Hill: India Challenges U.S. Renewable Energy Programs at WTO
- The Associated Press: Energy Secretary: Administration Working Hard for Coal Power
- The Associated Press: Nevada Company Submits Bid for Unfinished Nuclear Plant