timely news from the SFBJV
San Francisco Bay Joint Venture
Project Tracking now part of EcoAtlas
For more than a decade, inquiring minds wanting to know anything about wetland habitat protection, restoration or enhancement in the Bay Area, have been turning to the San Francisco Bay Joint Venture (SFBJV). The SFBJV is and has been the regional clearinghouse of information on these important projects covering everything from who is leading and collaborating on each project, to how many acres are being restored and how many dollars have been spent or are needed at any given moment in time. By working directly with dozens of project managers implementing projects all around the bay, we have been able to stay at the forward edge of Bay-wide wetland restoration, knowing what we’ve collectively accomplished and where our collaborative energy is most needed. This important data not only helps us measure our progress, but is critical to our work of achieving shared goals.
Learn more about SFBJV project tracking and how the SFBJV promotes the protection and restoration of our precious bay habitats here.
Celebrating Cristina Grosso …
Have you ever met an Environmental Informatics Program Manager before? That’s Cristina Grosso’s professional title at the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) where she has been working for the last sixteen years and most recently in her “new” position since 2014. As one of California’s premier aquatic and ecosystem science institutes, SFEI and particularly Cristina and her team, have been instrumental in the transition of our database to EcoAtlas and the creation of our new Project Tracker tool. Cristina brings an exceptional blend of qualities to the task including attention to detail, patience, listening and a familiarity with the tools and their capabilities to thereby ensure integrity in the final product. We are so grateful to Cristina and the SFEI crew for their tireless efforts. Thank you Cristina! You can learn more about her on our website.
By September 1
Water Energy Grant Program
This Program provides funds to implement water efficiency programs or projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and reduce water and energy use.
Proposal Solicitation for Round 5 of the grants provided by the water quality, supply and infrastructure act of Oct 2014, and distributed by SCC, can be
found here.
By October 3
Habitat Conservation Fund
The California Department of Parks and Recreation administers this grant
program for local public agencies for the acquisition and restoration of wildlife habitats and significant natural areas.
By October 7
Explore the Coast
The purpose of the Explore the Coast Grant Program is to support activities that allow more people to explore California’s spectacular coast, improve the visitor experience or help the public to learn about natural, recreational, cultural and historic resources of the coast.
By November 2
FY2017 Community-based Marine Debris Removal
This opportunity provides funding to support locally-driven, marine debris prevention, assessment, and removal projects that will benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and NOAA trust resources.
By November 3
North American Wetlands Conservation Act (NAWCA) Small Grants Program
Projects must involve long-term protection, restoration, and/or enhancement
of wetlands and associated uplands habitats for the benefit of all wetland-associated migratory birds.
More grants with upcoming deadlines later in 2016 as well as others that
have no deadlines or are ongoing can be found on our funding page.
JOBS with deadlines
these change frequently, to stay current check our jobs page
JOBS with no deadlines
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