San Francisco Bay Joint Venture – The Bulletin Newsletter for June 6, 2016

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            THE BULLETIN

             timely news from the SFBJV


June 6, 2016

        We love wetlands … why do you?  

We think it is safe to say that all of you who receive this newsletter have a special thing for wetlands!  After all, each and every one of you has some connection to wetland restoration, we know because that is why you are receiving this Bulletin.  What we don’t know exactly is why?

According to polls you, or we, are not alone.  Most Bay Area residents
share our fondness for these incredible ecosystems and the many services they provide.  Below is a list of the top reasons why people appreciate our regional wetlands.  Let us know your personal favorite (and that you are

reading this) by clicking here, putting “I love wetlands because…” in the
subject line, and replying with the number that captures it for you!

I love wetlands because …

  1. They provide important habitat for birds and other wildlife
  2. They capture carbon and are helping combat climate change
  3. They protect communities from Sea Level Rise and extreme storms
  4. They filter and clean our water
  5. They bring more beauty to our Bay Area
  6. They give us places to recreate and connect with nature
  7. They attract dollars to our region (from tourism, wildlife watching, fishing, etc.)

You can still find

our latest map and

table showing

Bay Area historical,

         current and possible

future wetlands as well
as a list of priority
projects our partners

are working on here.

And remember to vote

on Tuesday, June 7!



Our chance to fill you in on some of what we have been up to since our last Bulletin

Our next Conservation Delivery Committee meeting will take place on June 23

at SFEI in Richmond.  There we will unveil our new ‘Project Tracker’ – a

database system that tracks active and completed wetland habitat restoration,
enhancement and protection projects throughout the 9 Bay Area counties.
As part of our celebration, we will  end the meeting with a wine and cheese reception.  Please contact Sandra Scoggin if you are not on the mailing list
and would like to be added, or if you have any questions.

Notes from our most recent Conservation Delivery Committee meeting held on
April 28 can be found here.

On June 8, key stakeholders will gather to beta test our new SediMatch database

and tool designed to facilitate matchmaking between available sediment with opportunities for beneficial re-use at restoration and enhancement sites – learn

more about the SediMatch program and tool here.

GRANTS with deadlines  

FMA funding is available for flood hazard mitigation projects, plan development and management costs.

The Foundation supports science-based work to improve the Oregon and

San Francisco Bay marine systems through protection, planning, and/or restoration.


By June 29 

National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program

The primary goal of this grant program is the long-term conservation of

coastal wetland ecosystems. Awards typically range from $125,000 to a

maximum of $1,000,000 and applicants need to go through a state agency

and should work with JV Coordinator, Beth Huning.

By June 30

Round 4, State Coastal Conservancy Proposition 1 Funding

Round 4 project priorities include: water sustainability improvements, anadromous fish habitat enhancement, wetland restoration and urban


By June 30

National Park Service Grants for Land and Water Conservation and

Rivers and Trails


By July 1

This is the state agency application deadline for the funds which go toward acquisition or development of outdoor recreation areas and facilities.

By July 1

Eligible projects must be directly or indirectly related to the environmental
impact of the modification of an existing transportation facility or construction
of a new transportation facility.

Ongoing Grants

More grants with upcoming deadlines later in 2016 as well as others that

have no deadlines or are ongoing can be found on our funding page.

UPCOMING EVENTS – find all the events we know about here

June 7            California state election

June 11           San Pablo Bay Interpretive walk and BBQ

June 11           Birding By Sound
June 13-19     Dredgefest

JOBS with deadlines for applying

June 13   
Senior Water Resources Planner

                   Community Foundation Santa Cruz County

June 13    Junior Engineer/Geologist

                   Alameda County Zone 7

June 15     Executive Director

                        Santa Clara County Creeks Coalition

June 30    Associate Director
UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center

July 1        At-large Alternate member seat

                   Contra Costa County Fish and Wildlife Committee 

JOBS with no deadline 

    • Audubon California
    • Save SF Bay
    • Bay Area Open Space Council
    • Save SF Bay
    • Marin Municipal Water District
    • California Department of Water Resources
    • Pt Blue Conservation Science
    • Santa Clara Valley Open Space Authority
    • Friends of the Estuary
    • Center for Social and Environmental Stewardship
    • Golden Gate Parks Conservancy




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