Weiss Associates’ Anja Verce Presenting at the Battelle 2016 Conference
Weiss Associates’ Anja Verce will present at the Battelle 2016 Conference in Monterey
May 2016
Anja Verce, Environmental Project Engineer at Weiss Associates, presents:“Does Methane Produced through Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation Pose a Vapor Intrusion Risk” at Battelle’s Tenth International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds in Palm Springs, California on Wednesday May 25, 2016 (between 4:00 and 6:30 pm).
Anja’s poster presentation, co-authored by Mary Stallard, PG, CHG, of Weiss Associates, addresses how in the past few years methane generated as a result of carbon substrate injections during enhanced in situ bioremediation has attracted increasing attention from regulatory agencies, responsible parties, and remediation consultants, as well as concerned property owners and community groups. Although methane is non-toxic and not a long-term human health risk, there is concern that methane produced in the subsurface can pose an explosion risk in overlying or nearby site buildings. Regulatory guidance addressing vapor intrusion (VI) of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) is available; however, guidance for biogenic methane generated through in situ bioremediation is still not well established. As a result, the USEPA required soil gas and indoor air sampling for methane to assess VI risks at a CERCLA Superfund site undergoing in situ bioremediation. Results for this monitoring, as well as previously-collected data from this site, will be presented. Additionally, this study highlights the need for refined biogenic methane guidance, since existing methane guidance documents are still evolving, are often contradictory, and are not always based on valid technical assumptions. For the full abstract of Anja’s presentation: “Does Methane Produced through Enhanced In Situ Bioremediation Pose a Vapor Intrusion Risk?” click here.
Anja Verce
Environmental Engineer
510-450-6160 office
479-301-3508 cell av@weiss.com